Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/23/2004 2:07 PM |
Also, tip for Snow Patrol style global superstardom in 2005 (but being miles better), Bell X1.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/23/2004 2:11 PM |
My fav's from the past year have been...in no particular order...
Star Little Thing
and a band that I'm not sure I have the name right for..The Dark Room Notes...i think they are called (anyone know them?) - saw them in Doran's one night and was blown away.
bojangles New Member Posts:4  
11/23/2004 2:30 PM |
I think 79Cortinaz are playing in The Green Lizard on the 11th December.
The Growler New Member Posts:9  
11/23/2004 2:30 PM |
Am I the only who finds it very hard to believe that an A & R person came on cluas and sent that email?
11/23/2004 2:37 PM |
I log on to cluas everyday Growler. I am A&R.. not god!
11/23/2004 2:59 PM |
my fav's are
The Things
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/23/2004 3:16 PM |
quote: Originally posted by The Growler
Am I the only who finds it very hard to believe that an A & R person came on cluas and sent that email?
sure, what else would they be doing, signing bad singer-songwriters?
no, i dont find it hard to believe. these folk have to find out about new acts somewhere and i think its better that Kerb comes onboard and tells us what he thinks rather than just lurks, gets tips and contributes nothing.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
11/23/2004 4:51 PM |
there's loads of bands out there and i don't listen to anyone elses opinions but my own...
everyone is connected to everyone else and i'm tired of being pointed to s**t bands by their mates.
anyway, i'll have to check the bands on gar's list as see what i think.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
11/23/2004 4:58 PM |
Good stuff. I know what you are saying about so many bands being linked with eachother. That's good in a way that they are helping eachother out but at times, bad bands are heaped with praise. I'm not connected with any bands, just a very opinionated music journalist in the making. I'm sure you will find a good few acts from my list that you like. Cheers!!!!
The Growler New Member Posts:9  
11/23/2004 5:03 PM |
Why are all the bands connected?
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
11/23/2004 5:28 PM |
Nah just some of the bands are connected, not all of them. They open up for eachother, play on eachother's records and promote eachother's music. Nothing wrong with that. But sometimes its a bit much when they constantly do it and if the band they are telling you about are actually pretty crap.
11/23/2004 6:16 PM |
Well thats the end of day one!!
"Growler", the Irish music scene is incredibly small. Not all bands are connected but the vast majority are. I hear the same names alot regarding bands and managers and this and that so what "Kierry & Gar" says is right. You can be directed to bad music. I am not directing anyone here to bad music or good music. I have mentioned 12 bands that caught "my" eye, 5 of them i gave more detail to because "I" feel they are going somewhere. If you choose to follow the bands i admire then you all choose to freely. "tilda" it would have been so easy to get involved in a war of words with you but i felt "thethirdplace" was saying more or less what I would have. Your entitled to your opinion but it does remain a fact that there is only so much A&R can do in Ireland when it comes to signing Alt acts. I actively persue bands I am interested in & do what I can for them to get noticed by people who can spend the money needed to take the band to the next level. I think this site contains alot of poitive feedback but also has alot of wounded souls from previous musical experiences. The Irish Music Industry right now as regards alt bands is a non entity. Westlife, Six, Girls Aloud, Simon Casey et all have always been given consideration over what we consider to be "real music",but i do firmly believe that there is a crop of bands coming through which have to ability to change this. A number of things are happening next year which will see bigger labels take a more active role in ireland. This is a positive step towards ensuring that the groups we see and support get some more recognition. I will finish with this and its replying to "Tilda". You asked how I am giving bands exposure earlier: Answer: We are talking about them now are'nt we?
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/23/2004 7:09 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
My fav's from the past year have been...in no particular order...
Ah yeah, forgot about them, really like 'em; it's just a pity they're out to get me.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/24/2004 9:13 AM |
they're out to get you?!!......why?
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
11/24/2004 10:47 AM |
quote: Originally posted by kerb
A number of things are happening next year which will see bigger labels take a more active role in ireland. This is a positive step towards ensuring that the groups we see and support get some more recognition.
hello kerb
care to elaborate on this very interesting line in your post? you can't say something like this and not follow up! what are you talking about?
i know there are plans for an Irish version of AIM but I dont think that will come to anything and it has nothing to do with the majors (or even sony-affiliated companies like Independiente).
Are u talking about a new Music Board of Ireland?? Seeing what a huge "success" the previous one was, no-one should hold their breath about that.
I'm intrigued! Please tell more
11/24/2004 11:39 AM |
Hi Piltchard
What I mean is that I, along with one or two others have been actively talking to UK labels about taking a more heands on approach to the Irish Market. There are two Independent Labels entering Ireland with both credibility and more importantly ability to sign acts. I cant go to much further into it. It will be behind the scenes activity but after a couple of months hopefully announcements can be made and acts will have another source who can view there potential. Yeah the music board really was not the most efficient piece of artistic work ever was it. I didnt mean to leave you hanging on previous post with "a number of things are happening etc etc..." but It is in motion and I am 100% behind it. Will keep all updated here.... even you Tilda!! xx
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
11/24/2004 11:39 AM |
If you're good you will make it. Don't think that most bands in ireland deserve to release their records. The strength of bands in the UK/US is unbelieveable.
Look at the bands that have emerged in the last two years? Franz Ferdinand, the Killers, The Streets, The Ordinary Boys to name but a small few.
Do we have anything in this country that could do it on the same scale? I think not.
11/24/2004 11:51 AM |
Pretty Harsh Bonzo. Thats been my point that these bands ARE here. Its just that the back up, finance, infrastructure or even ability to see beyond the obvious is not there. This is one of the most frustrating countries you could possibly work in with regard to the music industry. The Killers were loose as F**K before producers got there hands on them. I think we genuinely have one band in Dublin right now on the verge of something massive. Others will follow. There is currently a little scramble in the UK right now with a number of acts having caught the eye. I am hoping they(being UK A&R) just act in january and not let it all pass again.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
11/24/2004 11:56 AM |
quote: Originally posted by kerb
Pretty Harsh Bonzo. Thats been my point that these bands ARE here. Its just that the back up, finance, infrastructure or even ability to see beyond the obvious is not there. This is one of the most frustrating countries you could possibly work in with regard to the music industry. The Killers were loose as F**K before producers got there hands on them. I think we genuinely have one band in Dublin right now on the verge of something massive. Others will follow. There is currently a little scramble in the UK right now with a number of acts having caught the eye. I am hoping they(being UK A&R) just act in january and not let it all pass again.
Don't keep it a secret - whose this one band?! 'Producers' was the key word in your post. Desperately short on the ground in this country. I honestly can't think of one act that is getting a huge home following and is impressive enough to go on to be successful.
the gibbons New Member Posts:1  