space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
2/17/2004 9:42 AM |
Why the f#@k should we be grateful??? the red hot chilli peppers are tossers its all about money money money it would seem the only way they can sell tickets is to have good support acts i mean is the rest of Ireland not sick of em theyve played here 4-5 times in the last 2 years its ridiculous i went to see them in landsdowne purely for new order i thought it was gonna be amazing but i was disgusted majority of the crowd didnt know who they were and had no interest in them i mean they basically had there backs to em i mean have a bit of f**king respect i felt like i was the only fan although i know there was a few of us scattered round now i dont think that its fair that i pay 60 quid and the best part of the gig is hooky sayin ''tell yer dads ya saw us twats''..... RHCP shouldnt have legends supporting em it should be the other way round
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/17/2004 10:13 AM |
Have to agree with you there Space Cheeks, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers have gotten pretty big in the last few years across the globe, but the Pixies have influenced a generation of music lovers and musicians more deeply then the RHCP could ever have. I don't think the RHCP are a bad band, they just don't have any of the same originality that the Pixies do. The Pixies would have drawn a huge crowd on their own, and it would have been amazing to see them back together on stage in a decent venue putting on their own performance, not playin second fiddle to any other band, they are better then that. It's a f**kin disgrace. I'm sick over it cos I know out of pure fear of not getting to see them again I'll more than likely end up going. If I end up paying €60 to see them support the RHCPs and then they play their own gig I'll be pretty peeved.
2/17/2004 10:21 AM |
There's a lot of bad vibes going on against the Peppers here, I'll dare to assume it would be the same if the Pixies ended up supporting anyone else. Regardless of whether you like the band or not and regardless of how many times they've played Ireland (Bon Jovi play Ireland nearly every year too y'know), is this really their fault?
Who makes these decisions for line-ups, etc? After all, I'm sure if the Pixies offered to play their own headline gig, any number of venues would be dead keen to have them.
Just wondering....
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/17/2004 10:25 AM |
Just been thinking about this again, when Frank Black plays in Ireland, they can sort out a proper gig. Last time the Breeders played, they did a brilliant gig in the Ambassador. So why can't they sort out a proper Pixies gig? The mind boggles.
dapperdanman New Member Posts:5  
2/17/2004 11:31 AM |
I saw the in '89/'90 in the National Stadium, they were ok. A few weeks before I saw Iggy Pop in the same venue & the place went apes**t, no competition! The Pixies didn't put much effort into their show & you know Frank Black is no oil painting, but your man Anto from RHCP...what a ride!!!
like them or not RHCP are on top of their game & will probably demolish the pixies on stage.
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
2/17/2004 1:56 PM |
oh dapperdanman,
you talk so wild! -
get in my oil can
yep that leadboy sure is purty, and i wonder is there something wrong with everyone's ears on this site is that why you all talk so much you can't hear the s**te you spew.
the pixies are simply we're not theatre theatre it soesn't make them a better group.
their last album was pure american mainstream 'cool' pop. there is so much of this mulch all over the radio now hard working guys like the chili poppers are positively outrageous in comparison. the lyrics are honest the toons are catchy, and john frusciante's guitar rocks. i'm not saying the pixies aren't brilliant they are but the snobbery is pitiful good music is good music and ever evolving lonjevity is rare and genius -something the pixies never managed. anyone can have flash in the pan but to ride the high seas terminally now that's rock n roll
come down out of your delusions and learn to get down.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/17/2004 3:43 PM |
Dapperdanman, comparing Iggy Pop to the Pixies? You can't really put them in the same category, despite the Pixies raw sound and Frank Blacks unhinged screaming, Frank Black strikes me as a more cereberal songwriter. I love Iggy and the Stooges too especially the first album, and I'm not saying the Pixies are better, but Iggy (Stooges era at least) is closer to the Ramones than the Pixies. Yeah the Pixies probably played a poor gig in '89, what band hasn't?
Shewolf, I don't think its snobbery to want to see the Pixies play their own gig or at least a festival slot. The real objection isn't to the chilli peppers themselves, but more a desire to see a once-in-a-lifetime gig in a good setting, not support slot.
I also have to disagree with you about longevity being the mark of a great rock and roll band. Some great bands stick around but some great bands are only with us briefly such as The Velvet Undergound, My Bloody Valentine, Rollerskate Skinny, The Clash etc.
Sometimes its better for a band to call it a day and move on rather than keep going, which makes me wonder: Should the Pixies really get back together? sure its the same four individuals, but will they be the same band? People grow up, things change.
Ciarán Ryan New Member Posts:47  
2/17/2004 4:11 PM |
did i mention that i am going to see them in brixton>?
eyeballkid New Member Posts:51  
2/17/2004 5:18 PM |
quote: Originally posted by shewolf
lonjevity is rare and genius -something the pixies never managed. anyone can have flash in the pan but to ride the high seas terminally now that's rock n roll
pixies, a flash in the pan? surfer rosa, doolittle, bossa nova and tromph le monde are all great albums. they inspired nirvana more than anyone else. do you think the latter's lack of longevity affects their standing as one of rock's most important bands?
dapperdanman New Member Posts:5  
2/17/2004 7:33 PM |
whoa shewolf!! at last some straight talk! & your into the Tallstories as well. see you at their next show front & centre! to everyone else just one more thing, be happy that your dream has come true & Let the pixies have their big pay day.
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
2/17/2004 10:34 PM |
hey bi knockers some good points there
you questioned whether dapperdanman should compere thee pixies to an iggy day. but it's more valid than compering the velvets, the clash and nirvana to the pixies.
the above have lonjevity because they are legendary
the other groups the pixies included while excellent and having their day in the sun are not. they have cult status. but all this academic. you are right about not having to be alive to have lonjevity but you're also right to decide(though you may not realise it) the pixies aint it with your statement about not reforming.
they were a f**king excellent group at an excellent time but all that is now past and no they won't be listed up there with the culturally reshaping groups whose music has naturally survived the personnel. of course that's a type of lonjevity too, as well as rolling stones not fade away type.
nirvana's (et al) music was bigger than the band while with the pixies and others of their ilk the band was bigger than the music.
i'm not saying by the way (id better spell it out fro all those rabid fans looking for a dose of rabies)that their albums will be consigned to the bargain basket of posterity just they are typical of popular american music at the time and they attracted a certain cliche.
but i'm bored now
where's the fun in all this s**t?
i'll tell ya where in anthony kiedis' naked contorting torso, john frusicante's squallaway jesus of nazareth guitar playing, a frat boy for a drummer and a mad blue punk dad for a bassist. the chili poppers in their tofu tank shooting rap balls with commander rick 'che' rubin behind. the whole freeeeak show in town telling tales about life, serving heroin martians dinner and still going to yoga.
singing prayers and lovin ya with thier rock.
at least their willing to work for the money the pixies are just doing a lazy big payoff reform -bollix
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
2/17/2004 10:42 PM |
oh dapperdanman,
make that a big pay off date and i'll see YOU at the next TALLstories gig! utter gentlemen those boys.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
2/18/2004 8:37 AM |
Ah SheWolf...wouldn't agree with a lot of your observations about the Pixies and the Peppers, but you are absolutely right about the big lazy reunion. I suppose when it is all boiled down, I'm not a fan of the Peppers but it wouldn't really matter who they were supporting, it is the laziest, most risk free way of touring. All the Pixies have to do is show up with their instruments, do their 45 minutes, don't give a toss if the crowd care and pick up their cheque. It it a disservice to their fans.
It is also funny to see the TV ads for the Pixies which hardly mentions the Chilli Peppers, a further indication of the mutual exclusion between the fans of both bands. Even the promoters see this. As anyone who went to see New Order at the Landsdowne Road gig will tell you, the atmos was zero.
Bottom line...Pixies are doing one on their fans for greed or laziness, probably both. Damn their oily hides.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/18/2004 10:40 AM |
nirvana's (et al) music was bigger than the band while with the pixies and others of their ilk the band was bigger than the music.
Shewolf are you serious? With Nirvana the band were equally as big as the music if not bigger, Kurt Cobain courted attention all over the shop (I'm sure that'll be denied but he did). No celebrity wife for Frank Black, no wearing a dress to have a presence on stage. No rock star cool. The guy just goes out there in a lumber jack shirt, all 20 stone of him or whatever he is, and gives it his all. Everyone knows plenty about the former members of Nirvana, from the Media alone, yet all I could tell you about the Pixies is that one went on to be a Catholic (!) and one went on to form the Breeders and that's it - and that's all I want to know about them. The music is big enough.
As for the RHCP - Keidis may well strike a good pose for the tattoo mags, and they're a likeable bunch of characters but they do not have the same dynamics as the Pixies. The RHCP found their sound and stuck to it, rarely veering away from the formula - Higher Ground and Mother's Milk were pretty good but they started to lose it after Blood Sugar Sex Magik - and John's only been back playin with them the last few years. Rollercoaster??? Now what was that all about?? The Pixies managed to pull off a diversity in sound from the lushiousness of Havalina to the dirge of Velouria to the screech of Hang Wire and back again to the softness of Gigantic. They've used surf guitar riffs, spanish guitar sounds, punk riffs, indie melodies, and fantastically off the wall lyrics. They still always managed to sound like the Pixies without being constricted by that.
They didn't just influence a couple of bands, they were largely responsible for the entire alternative movement, being name dropped from every one from Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, Alice in Chains and Rage Against the Machine to Nirvana, as well as being a massive influence on the indie kids across the States as well as the UK from Radiohead, The Cure, Badly Drawn Boy, PJ Harvey, to Beck, The Strokes, The Kings of Leon, Interpol, Weezer, and a million others. They played support to U2 across North Amercia in 1992 at the request of the band, Bono being a massive fan. David Bowie was quoted as saying they were one of the best bands to have come out of the 80s. People love them because they never tried to be cool, they never tried to be beautiful, they just played good music. They are without a doubt one of thee most influential bands of our time. I haven't heard a single band quote RHCPs as an influence. Other than from maybe a band like Good Charlotte.
I know I've gone on a bit of a rant here, and yes you're dead right this reunion tour supporting another band makes you wonder what it's all about. But as far as where these bands rate in the great rock and roll hall of fame there's just no contest.
And besides, if I want my rock idols to do Yoga I'll look up Sting.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/18/2004 11:28 AM |
Well said Dromed! Bit of a rant, but I totally agree with you.
Shewolf, I think we might have got a few crossed wires on the whole longevity debate. My definition of longevity for the purposes of this discussion would be the actual length of a bands career from when they formed to when they split up not the shelf life of their music. I wasn't comparing the Pixies to the Velvets or the Clash (although the comparsion does stand up under scrutiny), I was just using them as examples of bands with relatively short careers who were still great. My point is a bands career length has no impact on their greatness. Some bands drop a few albums on us and split up others like The Fall, U2 or Saint Etienne just keep going.
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
2/18/2004 2:18 PM |
Nice to see the slight billing shift at the end of the TV ad...'..with special guests The Red Hot Chili Peppers'.
Kledis et al must be livid!
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
2/20/2004 12:03 AM |
dromed are YOU kidding? stink over anto in a yogic 69 or whatever, come on! i hate that f**ker after he went all reggata de w**k.
and as i say the pixies are great i'm well aware of their music but my point is about this ridiculous attack of their support slot and defence of their rep. my original point was the chili's are working hard for their money the pixies are happy to toss off for half an hour. and make no mistake about it when they do that they know they're doing it to their fans (id say they handing out a pearl necklace of sorts but that's too much effort/ exotic a pleasure fro what they're actually doing)
yes i'm serious when i say the chili's are a band on top of their game at the moment and if you listen to californication and by the way i think you'll find that john frusciante's short time back with them is quite a revelation really.
frankly i don't care what jaded pope bono the Ist is into, nor despite loving bowie would i go out and buy some of the performance silence albums he's into, jsut cos someone i like likes something doesn't instantly give it kudos though in this case their taste is spot on.
the rollercoaster i referred to is the one of life and stimultaneuosly the one of the rock n roll high seas. And the chili's have swashbuckled both fascinatingly but i'm not gonna get all pixies fanatical about that and tell their life story.
relax its only rock n roll -but you like it, i know...
biknocular, yep jus clearing up that longevity debate, i concur. let's all go get justice for eddie sheridan