Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/4/2003 10:22 AM |
Going to see Kill Bill FINALLY this week...I hear it's the dogs.
Wondered what yer all time favourite films of all time are???
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
11/4/2003 11:44 AM |
Saw KB last week. Entertaining enough but no masterpiece, was my humble opinion.
Favourite films of all time...oh God where do I start ? Well off the top of my head.....
Silence of the Lambs
The Shawshank Redemption
The Godfather
The Matrix
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler's List
The Exorcist
The Shining
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
11/4/2003 11:47 AM |
Damn, how could I forget the classic ALIEN ( must go and see the Director's Cut version this week ) and ALIENS ( "Get away from her, you BITCH !!" )
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
11/4/2003 12:02 PM |
Tricky one, but here's a few.
The Empire Strikes Back.
Get Carter
Pulp Fiction
The Godfather II
Time Bandits
Withnail and I
A Bridge Too Far
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
11/4/2003 12:27 PM |
ah jaysus thats a tough one but sure heres a few
a nightmare before christmas
requiem for a dream
nightmare on elm street 1 and 3
halloween (original)
spinal tap
the matrix
24 Hour party people
pulp fiction
the shining
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
11/4/2003 12:28 PM |
Oh, Goodfellas as well and Once Upon A Time In America...
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
11/4/2003 12:46 PM |
quote: Originally posted by space cheeks
Good call. "We are Mods, we are Mods, we are, we are, we are Mods !"
Requiem for a Dream is without question the most terrifying film I've ever seen.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
11/4/2003 1:12 PM |
Godfather Part 2
GlenGarry Glen Ross
So many others...
Space Cheeks, I too love Nightmare before Xmas. When it was shown in the cinema, it also has a short before it about Christopher Lee which never made it onto the video release. Does anyone know if this is on the DVD version?
11/4/2003 1:52 PM |
Hmmmmm..., in no particular order
The Shawshank Redemption
Murder In the First
The Lion King
Alien (Looking forward to seeing the Director's Cut)
Withnail & I
Terminator 2
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek VIII: First Contact
The Shining
Falling Down
Willy Wonka & The Choclate Factory (Yeah laugh it up, but we lived for that movie when we were kids)
Care Bears The Movie - JOKING!!!!!!!
I'm off to see Finding Nemo tonight, movies like Shrek have restored my faith in animated movies.
Incidently, Am I the only person on earth who thinks the Matrix movies are overhyped and really not THAT good?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/4/2003 1:53 PM |
Delicatessen...?? Vent My Spleen euuuuhh nastyy!
Some of mine are
The Wicker Man
The Graduate
Clash of the Titans
Clockwork Orange
Mean Streets
Lord of the Rings (sorry but I loved both of them!)
The Goonies
Withnail and I and Spinal Tap...two classics
Cheech & Chong 'Up in Smoke'!
From Dusk Til Dawn
The Man with Two Brains
The Golden Child
ghost rider New Member Posts:10  
11/4/2003 2:39 PM |
kill bill is an excellent film, let me see fav films eh???????
heres some of my favs at the mo:
Willy Wonka & The Choclate Factory
donnie darko
vanilla sky
the gremlins
one flew over the cuckoos nest
the goonies(classic)
a clock work orange
24 Hour party people
all the godfather films
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
11/4/2003 2:47 PM |
Well.... let me add my tuppenny bit...
The Hairdresser's Husband
The Field
The Thing (John Carpenter version)
Twelve Angry Men
Short Cuts
City of God
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/4/2003 4:35 PM |
City of God is an excellent film!
And while we're on the foreign side:
High Heels
Red Squirrel
Et ya Mama Tambien (think that's how its spelt)
Jesus of Montreal
Trois Colouers Bleu ( which is on this friday night, great film)
Jambon Jambon
Also...am I the only person that loved Top Gun??!!!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
11/4/2003 5:51 PM |
Funny the John Carpenter version of The Thing is mention, but isn't it only on Sky One tonight. Particularly loved that scene where they all give blood samples and torch then to see who the carrier is.
There have been lots of films mentioned here which I love but would not be in my absolute favourites...example, thought Schindler's list was weak in places but Raiph Fiennes performance as the camp commendant was outstanding.
That said, one of the only films I have ever seen that I left knowing I had seen something really special was Pulp Fiction..
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
11/5/2003 8:48 AM |
My Favourites in no particular order are
The Shawshank Redemption.
O Brother Where art Thou
City of God (excellant stuff this)
Battle Royale
The Matrix
Bullet ( i loved the way it was filmed)
Being John Malcovitch
Three Kings
Grosse Point Blank ( John Cusack is the Man!!)
and some funny oldies
Planes, Trains and automobiles
Blazing Saddles
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
11/5/2003 9:35 AM |
One flew over the cuckoos nest
Taxi Driver
Apocalypse Now
The Mission
Jock of the Bushveld (anyone??? South African classic!)
Class (80's bratpack comedy)
Jimbo big balls New Member Posts:33  
11/5/2003 12:56 PM |
That`s a good question and I could name a few but the one that sticks in my mind more than any other is: CHOPPER CHICKS IN ZOMBIE TOWN. Best of all time acting, camerawork it`s just legendary!
11/5/2003 1:03 PM |
I saw Finding Nemo last night, it was great! I strongly recommend it for a good laugh.
I imagine a lot of you booked tickets for The Matrix Revolutions. As I was saying earlier in this thread, I thought the Matrix was good but not THAT good, I haven't seen Reloaded, I'm not too troubled to either and I won't be joining 200-person queues to see the next one.
I don't think all the hype will be worth it.
Is there ANYONE who feels the same way?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/5/2003 2:01 PM |
Q2 thought that the Matrix was quite good, but thought the concept behind it is better then the film itself - the fight scenes were great though. Reloaded isn't as good as the first one, but the clips I've seen of the third look pretty impressive. Do u like Bruce Lee movies out of interest??
Kloot...Space balls and Planes, Trains..are two dead funny films...The Jerk is another one, and See No Evil, Hear No Evil!
What's the name of the film with Richard Pryor where he has to look after the spolit rich kid...Master Bates?
johnny cash New Member Posts:39  
11/5/2003 2:23 PM |
no way jimbo, i saw that the other night too, ha ha ha