dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/5/2003 9:39 PM |
nice one to all at wrongtapespeed for the hard workingclass heroes thing in the project over the weekend...s**tloads of work went into it and everyone that i spoke to who had been their on either of the nights claimed to have had an excellent time...i was only there on the second night myself..and i really enjoyed it.
who was your highlight band or act of the weekend?? im not sure who mine was...maybe king sativa or the things..but there were so many excellent acts on the sunday that its hard to choose...one act i thought were s**te were halite....they are a classic example of how in irish music its often who u know and not what u know that gets u recognition...but apart from that one misfortunate 20 minutes i enjoyed most of the rest of it.
personally id like to thank brian and freida from wrongtapespeed for lookin after us all and makin it so brilliant..keep up the good work.
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
8/6/2003 10:04 PM |
well dirty, i was only there on mon nite but i have to say i'm gonna split hairs with you (dirty shaggy hairs) over the issue of many excellent bands -rather there were some, while the overall effect was excellent and it was an ingenious event to organise. dublin needs more of this.
however The Things and King Sativa are two classic examples of how Irish bands lose their judgement and worship other irish bands that gig regularly or get hyped. what's happened your eyes and ears?
the things are hackneyed noise. how these guys managed to get an opener at Slane over the subtonics or R of loose or others indeed, is beyond me.
i presume it is a case of skewed and nostalgia tinted glasses of the music powers-that-(has)-be(en). iggy's already done it and done it better baby. there were amatuerish but worse totally inauthentic. boring NEXT.. a glass pane came down between them and the audience as happens with all bad entertainment.
KIng sativa were polished they should be, they gig enough and have charm but i later spotted dublin's ali campbell out in the street shouting his aggressive head off to nobody and generally being a prick what happened all his 'good vibes' if you're gonna talk it then you'd better walk it.besides i think colm Q's generousity is what really set them up well.
halite well i think you've got you're finger on that one i thought i was watching some nightmare comedian. no more jokes, no more, and they think everyone else thinks they're too cool. jesus weeps,
what about Dirty blue gene, intriguing or what? i bet these guys give good harmonica and guitar i'd like to hear about them plus they were cool, one liked looking at them. they had presence you just wnated to hear and watch them.
i've gotta say i thought the subtonics rocked real hard, the aforementioned DBgene, nina hynes and republic of loose really were the highlights soem other acts were good too but i'm not sure i'd think about them again. there was quite a bit of this careerist thing going on up those stages . a neccesity in itself i'm not denying it but haveing soemthing to say and soul is the foundation what sorts the wheat from the chaff so to speak. And in Ireland there's this type of band that gets more recognition than they deserve and some of the jouranlists promote this and they are in their turn in bed with the PR schpeel. so there were a few bands like this but its really interesting to see all this when its lined up against each other. we badly need fresh talent in the manager/promoter/bankroller department. the 60's london scene would have never happened without kit lamberts, chris stamps, brian epsteins, andrew loog oldhams etc.
another litmus test is who would you pay into to see? can u get you're rocks off to them? (even if they are not r'n'r)
another band woth a mention was listo but the noise they made was better than the way they were. that lead singer has got to change his liam gallagher wanna be monkying around it was sad when oasis did it why repeat it? its tired cliched and an eyesore, break out be original find yourself ...express yourself after all that's what its all about then if you manage to set others alight you know you're cooking!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
8/7/2003 9:29 AM |
The Things opening Slane??? Is this true??? From what I've read it's actually Halite that are opening slane Shewolf. I respect the fact that you actually watched the gigs enough to make an opinion and then bothered to write about it cos usually people will come on forums and dismiss a s**t load of bands that work their arses off and have nothing else to back it up - I don't necessarily agree with everything you said but you're entitled to an opinion (ahh the wonders of living in the 'free' world) but I'm a bit miffed as to what you mean by "there was quite a bit of this careerist thing going on up those stages" ????
The night was run very well and all in all went smoothly and I thought the bands all did well in keeping the atmosphere going. I was a bit disappointed though to see that the 'concept' of 'equality' between the bands was not met, and was as I feared a bit over ambitious, if not naive.
And can I just say for the record, the Republic of Loose made me want to sell my soul to the devil and get down and dirrrttyyyy - they were amazing.
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
8/7/2003 11:57 AM |
It's not your ability or the hard work you put in that matters in the Dublin city music scene, it's who you f**kin' know that matters!!!
8/8/2003 12:19 AM |
are the things doing slane????????
morello New Member Posts:72  
8/8/2003 9:53 AM |
quote: Originally posted by peace03
It's not your ability or the hard work you put in that matters in the Dublin city music scene, it's who you f**kin' know that matters!!!
Sorry I have to disagree here: who you f**kin' know depends on your ability and the hard work you put in that. With some rare exceptions, people "with contacts" weren't born with them: they just worked real hard to build a solid reputation and a successful act, understand who's doing what, contact these people and get to talk to them, gain their trust and respect and, most important, convince them that 1) It's good/convenient/worth it to work with you 2) it's good for them to associate their name with yours.
It's unfair to blame people because they "have contacts", you should first wonder why they do and some other don't
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
8/8/2003 12:46 PM |
Sorry Morello I have to agree with peace03 a bit here - it's a sad situation but their are certainly some bands that do more smoozin at bar openings and venue launches, fashion shows etc then do actual hard work in 'music' i.e their at the opening of an envelope but yet have f*ck all to show for it in their musical outout - I think this is what Peace was referring to. There's ni question that it exists cos i've seen it with my own eyes - bands that are almost in a band to be able to say they are in a band and enjoy the social scene that might go with it but do nothing much really. Then you have bands that go to nothing, take part in little known events and small scale gigs but work real hard and are productive and whack out new material etc on a regular basis - getting back to the point if you are willing to do the smoozing you'll get far, cos you can make a few good contacts that'll get you a few higher profile gigs and some lucky breaks etc, if you aren't prepared to do that you are in for a longer slog unless you happen to be lucky - sadly that is the way the media/music world works these days - I guess you have to try and strike some kind of a balance, play the game to a point ( at the end of the day you need some of it too) but try not to sell your sould while doing it.
Here's a question/example of what i mean.....if your band was struggling to get known would you 1) Turn down a front page on the nme if you were offered it just to make a point? 2)Turn down the invitation to play at the opening of a new bar in town and/or 3) Turn down the invitation to play at the opening of a new McDonalds???
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
8/8/2003 10:00 PM |
Ok Guys,
i'm hungry like the.. and back for more, dromed the careerist thing goin' on up on those stages was like this - no offense taken i hope by the limerick boys-but woodstar for instance have honed their stance and sound to the exclusive purpose of corporate attention. they are a good example of the type of thing that gets middle of the road notice adn plaudits in the IRish press and industry and then stay there getting overplayed and hyped and never really develop beyond that. there were a few instances of this media band love in goin' on.
badboy and all you other BADboys too, maybe i'm wrong but i distinctly heard the compere saying the twits i mean the things were doing a slane slot, maybe it was horrific tinnitus making nightmare chinese whispers?!! but i'm sure that's what the man said.
as for its who you know this is a vital skill in itself to charm have charisma, put yourself about but it is also, usually, when there is a vibrant, talented and zeitgeisty scene happening in a place/town /country a seperate group of people who promote bands etc where are these in dublin? this is a question i asked in my earlier rant prompted by the working class heroes gig. where are our young kit lamberts etc? everybody seems to overlook this in their vitriolic spews about licking arse. if there were cool musical talented impresarios willing to get aboard The Magic Bus then musicians wouldn't be forced to degrade themselves trying to impress foolish souless PR-icks.
so guys IF there was an individual/s who really dug what you did and wanted to begin with you knocking on doors for you doing the teeth grinding socializing etc would you allow them? would you try cut a deal with them ?
another thing about promoting it isn't an either or situation
OF course you'd do a f**king NME cover (hmmm a NME cover f**king) if you wouldn't you shouldn't be in band or the music business. it is a business, you gotta eat bread,snort coke, drive car, buy guitar, or whatever, you gotta live and you should be aiming to make money from what you love to do, or do well, or trying to inspire others, no matter what your gift might be in this world, if it happens to be making music then why shouldn't you earn a living from it.
I think the Dublin music scene is still so small that there are bands who are out there who are s**t fro many reasons but get promoted becasue they know how to make the system work fro them but thses bands never really get anywhere creative and aren't fooling anone but themselves and morons. so never be jealous.
the trick really is that it should be looked on as something that needs to be done if its good for the music the music still must be the band'd numero uno priority.
and if the creativity in personality, music and image is there the media thing is a doddle then fro the band. as people will naturally sit up and take notice and they do.
but hey y'all know this maybe i'm jus Howlin'wolf tonite
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/11/2003 11:48 AM |
'the twits..i mean, the things'....oh your a cunny funt arent u..
i bet u get your hole regulary!
shewolf New Member Posts:59  
8/11/2003 10:21 PM |
you must be related to them or something to be so offended its just a little word play -y'know -creative like, the way most good things eventually manifest themselves by people jus letting go t whatever sillyness might arise in their mind.
mind you i got you going, and yes i do generally have that effect on men since you ask but i never go for it i opt for endurance over instant gratification every time, besides fantasy is far more fun i love the idea of infinite potential. its the old story he's got money...he's got lovin'...but the music's gotta hold on me its got me rockin' an rollin' rollin'.
dirty, don't try to be so scary i can't even begin to imagine what your reply MEANS..
8/12/2003 12:31 PM |
Good answer Shewolf! Ever thought about going into politics?! You're right in every word you say. By the way in case you hav'nt realised, the posts by Dirty Propaganda are in fact just that-It's the band themselves.
spoiltbrat New Member Posts:31  
8/12/2003 2:21 PM |
I love it. All the jealous heads getting their knickers in a twist over The Things. Love 'em or hate 'em they get a reaction which is more than I can say for so many bands in Dublin who can barely play their f**king instruments, yet alone amuse/antagonise a crowd. The only reason the Things have people behind them is because they're good enough, because they have an impact on a crowd and because they aren't afraid to let loose and sacrifice musicianship for an energetic, entertaining live show.
The first time I saw them, I just thought - "Thank f**k, somebody has put some entertainment back into live music". I can understand people hating them but I really think thats a matter of musical taste, and nothing to do with them climbing some sort of industry ladder ahead of 'deserved' others. They've put in a supreme effort, they're all excellent musicians, and deserve whats come their way. I think instead of knocking them people would be better served looking at what they're doing right and applying it to themselves.
As regards the merit of Halite at Slane... snakes and social ladders definitely apply there.
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/12/2003 3:47 PM |
i think your shewolfs opinions are very valid. i just though the twits the things joke was a bit flat..thats all. evryones entitled to say what they want yeah? my name is stefan murphy...i sing in a band called the subtonics. im involved in other music ventures also..none of which are the things...they are one of my favourite bands in the world but im not in them...fez my friend..check the facts before you blind us with ur wisdome in future...shewolf my friend..im sorry for my ungentlmanly comments...i was just stickin up for my mates....its a wokinclass thing..or at least it would be if i had a job..peace to you all xx
8/12/2003 6:38 PM |
Spoilt Brat- lets not let this debate descend into the schoolyard "you're only jealous" routine. As i have said I have a lot of respect new and upcoming bands.Now you say that a feature of the things being so great is that they get a reaction. So bloody what! That doesn't mean their in any way talented. A monkey playing a piano would get a reaction too but that doesn't mean im gonna fork out to go see him! You then say that they are excellent musicians only to go on and say that they sacrifice musicianship for an entertaining show! Surely music should be first and foremost and should never be sacraficed in order to be merely "energetic and entertaining". Oh and ive never been one for this "they're making a great effort, hats off to them" bulls**t. If a band hasn't got it they havn't got it.
Jeweller New Member Posts:6  
8/12/2003 7:23 PM |
quote: As regards the merit of Halite at Slane... snakes and social ladders definitely apply there.
that brendan dude used to be in Therapy and i heard somewhere he rang the chilli's and begged them to add them to the line up
i totally agree tho it isnt deserved but to insult and moan about the music industry in ireland when its (imo) at its most productive is a bit harsh... of course you will get the s**t bands but once every while along comes a band thats special and really does stand out...
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
8/13/2003 1:20 PM |
Yeah but so what if he was in Therapy? before, after that he's just being playing drums in other people's bands (David Kitt, Gemma Hayes), now that he fronts a new band, of course he wants to sells loads of records, and playing an opening slot for the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, even if he has to beg for a support slot, will surely help the band achieve this.
You can't tell me that if you knew someone fromt he Chillis phone number and knew they were doing a high profile gig, you wouldn't chance your arm at getting support?? Of course you would!!
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
8/13/2003 1:41 PM |
The three bands that blew people away in the hard working class heroes were The Subtonics,Republic of Loose and Listo.These bands are playing on Saturday the 6th of september in the Soon to be opened The Hub, which is below The Mezzanine on Eustace Street Temple bar.As good a line-up as you will ever see imho.Honest ta jaysus rock and roll at its finest.
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
8/13/2003 3:38 PM |
Respect to Dromed. The reason I made my original comment about, it's not your ability, it's who you know, is because the band I play with...The Mouse, were promised months before that "Working Class" Heroes thing was announced,we were on the bill. As soon as the boys with the big sponsorship money got involved, we got bumped and were ignored by the sap who organised it, he actually crosses to the other side of the street now if he sees any of us.
Now, there was all this bulls**t about it being for bands who work their holes off playing gigs and try to scrape money together for demos. Now I'm not sore at any of the bands who played it, Jaysus knows we have played with a good few of them and I think the ones we have played with are good bands...you know who you are. What pisses me and the rest of our band off is that we are probably the ony Dublin based band that have worked our holes off at bringing our sound around the rest of the country, we did a tour with another band in April and have also played in the likes of, Wicklow, Kildare, Cork, Galway, Kilkenny, Limerick, Westmeath, Tipperary, Waterford. And we've gone to these places numerous times as well as gigging our holes off in Dublin.
Now, I think I can safely say, apart from the 'signed' bands who played on the night, no other band there has played around the country that much??? Does this not make us "working class"....pah!!! Workin' class my f*ckin hole! I'd say the only thing working class about that gig was the cleaners.....cleaning up the middle class puke the next morning.
The Dublin music scene does you no favours unless you are in the clique. It was the same with that f*ckin' IMRO showcase bollix. Also....is it true that La Rocca's manager works for Hot Press???
Stevo Mouse
cloudedmouse New Member Posts:41  
8/14/2003 1:26 PM |
Yea I reckon we would have been playing that gig no problemo until they found out we reherse in the factory and don't like the pizza from Eamon Dorans!!
In the case of being seen as sour... Some of the bands that played are really f*cking good but they shudda made room for the durty funk!!!
8/17/2003 12:23 PM |
Isn't the name supposed to be mean hard-working class heroes rather than Hard working-class heroes. Supposed to be a little pun that they are hard working and "class" meaning good ?