starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
12/12/2007 8:05 AM |
Posted By Binokular on 12 Dec 2007 7:21 AM Posted By Archie on 12 Dec 2007 6:28 AM Why does it matter to everyone whether a band is Irish or not? There were some good albums out this year, and the year before, and the year before that. Some were Irish, some were not. That's it really. Yeah, I'd agree, it doesn't really matter, I've been listening to "Walls" by Apparat lately, now theres an album for MBV fans looking for something interesting. I'd go as far as to suggest that if cary_grant can't appreciate that album, maybe he's not as adventureous as he believes? Doesn#t matter where a band comes from, but the nice thing about "local" bands though is that they're, well, local, you know? You don't have to wait ages for them to play a gig near you, which is nice.  Well in fairness to Carry Grant, his post was in reponse to the "vote for best Irish album of 2007" thread, so it's not unreasonable for him to discuss the Irish music scene... doesn't mean he has to be a condescending prick about it though. Anyhow - just havin' a listen on MySpace to Apparat... nice tunes. Cheers for the heads up Binokular!
12/13/2007 10:13 AM |
My original point was that if the Irish music scene is represented by what's on the 'Best of 2007' list on this website (and naturally it's a reflection of tastes) then, as far as I'M concerned, there's nothing exciting happening. I'm not down on Irish music per se - it just doesn't excite me right now. What makes me laugh is the notion that as soon as someone expresses a negative opinion about Irish bands in general you're shouted down as if it's a treasonable offence. But so be it - that's how 2007 has been for me. Thanks for listening. *pats starbelgrade on the head
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/14/2007 4:31 AM |
Theres a difference between genuine criticism and unbalanced whiny pointless negativity. I'm not exactly enamoured with the "Irish Scene" but no point being "down" on it, theres one or two interesting bands, there's a lot of OKish ones that are fine but a bit mediocre and a few that really are utter pants. So what? There's nothing exciting happening? Why adopt such a defeatist attitude? If you feel that strongly about it, start a record label or something, which is probably what the "scene" needs most right now - A label with a clear aesthic moulded by a strong willed visionary. Think about other "scenes" past and present. When I say words like Motown, Bpitch Control, Warp, Kompakt, DFA, Morr, Estuary English, Stax, Factory, [insert your fave label here], for people who identify these labels, it immediately conjures up a specific sound. These labels have been as important in creating a "movement" under their guiding hand as individual bands. Being negative isn't a treasonable offence, it's just that we've all heard the same lazy line trotted out too many times. It's no better and interesting to read than people who believe Glen Hansard/Damien Rice are the Messiahs second coming.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
12/14/2007 5:30 AM |
And someone should definitely sign Hoovers & Sledgehammers.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
12/14/2007 5:35 AM |
Also - I heard two excellent tunes last night by an Irish band called "Poster Boy A"... dunno if they're signed or not, or anything about them - they've no web page as far as I can see, but one of the tunes reminded me of a cross between Sigur Ros and Brian Eno's "Passengers" album ( the one with U2 on it).. the other tune was kinda Bloc Party drums with a very My Bloody Valentine's distortion melody over it. If anyone has any info on em, let me know purlease!
PARTON Basic Member Posts:188  
12/14/2007 7:02 AM |
The F*ckin Joyridin...........
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
12/14/2007 8:57 AM |
this has been the best year for Irish music that I can remember. People who complain about the standard of local music are A: grumpy and never happy so what's the point in trying to convince them B: to lazy to get off their arses and look for the good shizz *waves to* two amazing EPs from Fight Like Apes A fantastic debut from Super Extra Bonus Party the invention and fun behind Youre Only Massive a beautiful record from Adrian Crowley ditto from Cathy Davey some of the best gigs this year and a great record from Delorentos the excellence of Grand Pocket Orchestra several brilliant live performances from Ham Sandwich one of the best songs this year 'You Are Welcome In My House' by Betamax Format the genius of The Vinny Club several other really promising bands; Bats, Adebisi Shank, Terrordactyl, The Parks The continuing excellence of Queen Kong The out there progressive noise-making amazingness of Ed Devane Stagger Lee. Awesome. A live environment where 'small' bands can sell out or pack or decently fill venues. That didn't used to happen, you know. The dedication behind fostering such a live environment - hello Hard Working Class Heroes Festival In conclusion: get off your hole, get out, find out, listen. Or shut up.
12/14/2007 9:04 AM |
If you feel it's crap - as I think it has been in 2007, then why not be 'down' on it? The difference between criticism and 'whiny pointelss negativiy' is how you read it. Nowhere have I said that 'We're all screwed so let's just pack it in eh'? 2007 has been disappointing. My original post reflects this disappointment. I'm disappointed that we seem to wallow in mediocrity. And if we've heard 'the same lazy line being trotted out too many times', you'll find that's from people who don't share your world view. Again I say, here's to 2008 - the glass is still half-full.
PARTON Basic Member Posts:188  
12/14/2007 9:43 AM |
Stagger Lee are not awsome, or anything of the kind. FLA are a fad, Ham i the only person in Dublin who doesnt like this crowd? first saw them 3.5 years ago at the noise party..crap then, crap now. Delorentos great band, really like them. Walter Mitty and the Realists..class.... HWCH is deadly, didnt and dont generally like the tripod complex......
dermot_trellis New Member Posts:69  
12/14/2007 2:50 PM |
If you feel it's crap - as I think it has been in 2007, then why not be 'down' on it? The difference between criticism and 'whiny pointelss negativiy' is how you read it. Nowhere have I said that 'We're all screwed so let's just pack it in eh'? 2007 has been disappointing. My original post reflects this disappointment. I'm disappointed that we seem to wallow in mediocrity. And if we've heard 'the same lazy line being trotted out too many times', you'll find that's from people who don't share your world view. Again I say, here's to 2008 - the glass is still half-full. Is it possible that you're not looking hard enough? Perhaps the non-mainstream/'mediocre' music that you're looking for in Irish music is indeed out there but it's not the kind of thing that people are putting on end-of-year top 5 lists. You never answered my question about what non-Irish new music you're currently into - maybe people could give you recommendations for local bands to investigate if they knew which direction your tastes were in.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/15/2007 11:09 AM |
Posted By carry_grant on 14 Dec 2007 9:04 AM If you feel it's crap - as I think it has been in 2007, then why not be 'down' on it? Because life's too short.
milkman Basic Member Posts:119  
12/16/2007 8:57 AM |
i'll have to have a look out for ed devane/vinny club/you're only massive.. - Una i wish you posted here more. best year for irish music in ages.
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
12/17/2007 3:32 AM |
Posted By UnaRocks on 14 Dec 2007 8:57 AM a beautiful record from Adrian Crowley this comment is only too true... one of the most perfect albums this year has produced... ...unfortunately the irish don't seem to take to their own genuinely talented alternative singer/songwriters... we've more of a problem here with the audience than the f**kin' talent...
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
12/17/2007 6:59 AM |
Posted By PARTON on 14 Dec 2007 7:02 AM The F*ckin Joyridin........... I'll stab ya, ye c**t, me knife isn't blunt!