8/20/2007 6:59 AM |
Both make me dive for the off switch as soon as they come on the radio. Both bands are bland, predictable, uninspiring & crap? But it terms of miserableness, who do you think is the most depressing?
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
8/20/2007 8:12 AM |
Oh, Snow Patrol's snivelling spinelessness wins easily. Not that I'm a big fan of Editors either.
Quint Basic Member Posts:209  
8/20/2007 8:18 AM |
I don't think I detest a band more than Snow Patrol. What is most objectionable about their music is how emotionally manipulative it is, everything from Lightbody's woe-is-me, my-girlfriend-left- me lyrics to their turgid minor chords slowly building to a big euphoric climax, they pull every string in the book. And they look so s**t, so lacking in stage presence and charisma....check out Nicky Wire's recent rant about them below....why aren't more as honest as this? http://www.nme.com/news/snow-patrol/30423 ..as for Editors, they are a great band and have released 2 great albums...don't understand why you are putting them at the same level as Snow Patrol...
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
8/20/2007 8:40 AM |
Posted By Quint on 20 Aug 2007 8:18 AM ...they look so s**t, so lacking in stage presence and charisma... So, soo, sooo, sooooo true. I remember seeing them support U2 in brussels in 2005 and it's was one utterly huge toe-curling performance.
8/20/2007 9:23 AM |
Nicky Wire's rant; "Snow Patrol is the biggest divide in Britain. They're probably the biggest band in Britain, but they're also the most hated," he declared. "It's a weird dichotomy for them. They are utterly deplorable, there is something unredeemingly utterly s**t about them, you just cannot put one's finger on. "It's a desperate form of music, the endless repeated lines, over and over, the same drab f**king little thing on and on and on. They're the great losers turned into the great winners, that's their redemption. I won't be watching them." I agree wholeheartedly - and that, despite the fact that Manics make over-rated s**te. "What have you done to your hair?" What have you done for music more like? Fuck all, but ultimately 100% less damage than Snow Patrol.
ishrink Basic Member Posts:195  
8/20/2007 9:31 AM |
I'm reluctant to condemn Snow Patrol cos they had 2 quality albums. Editors have none...
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/20/2007 9:35 AM |
Posted By ishrink on 20 Aug 2007 9:31 AM I'm reluctant to condemn Snow Patrol cos they had 2 quality albums. Editors have none... Yep, some of us remember watching videos for "Starfighter Pilot" and "Velocity Girl" back when they were a sort of Pavement meets Beach Boys and not U2 wannabes. They're like a totally different band now.
dermot_trellis New Member Posts:69  
8/20/2007 10:07 AM |
Yeah, Snow Patrol used to be a pretty decent indie guitar act, til they discovered that you can hit paydirt by mimicking the Coldplay\Keane\U2-lite thing and going for the anthemic choruses every time.. seems like an awfully long time ago now..
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
8/20/2007 5:40 PM |
I saw Snow Patrol support Brendan Benson at the Electric Ballroom in Camden a few years back. It was just as Run was coming out as a single... some of the crowd had heard it but most were there for Brendan Benson on the back of his, slightly disappoiting in hindsight, The Alternarive to Love record. Snow Patrol blew Benson off stage. They were wide-eyed. Euphoric. Loud. I thought it a brilliant show and immediately bought their Final Straw album which Melissa loved but I didn't take to. Since then, they have sucked the nipple of capitalism to such an extent that I cannot bear to hear anything from their new record. It's like a distillation of all that is awful about the rubbish third Coldplay album and has allowed mangy bands like Maroon 5 to have a career. I feel they are like a substitute... you know when a major band with talent has a hiatus (Radiohead, Coldplay to an extent), there is a void to be filled by something. Anything. Rather like Simple Minds riding U2's coat-tails except with a lag of about 6 months on what U2 were doing. Snow Patrol aren't particularly loved. They're just THERE. Filling the void left behind by Lighthouse Family and Dido and Faithless all the other rubbish that makes its way into Mondeo man's 6-CD multichanger.
PARTON Basic Member Posts:188  
8/21/2007 12:50 AM |
"Mondeo man's 6-CD multichanger". LOL I think they are both incredibely boring to be honest. just boring. I have a friend though who works in the business in London and he was telling me that Snow Patrol as musicians are the worst he has ever worked with, apparently Lightbody does EVERYTHING....the rest are pretty incapable...
Idiot Kid Basic Member Posts:217  
8/21/2007 1:20 AM |
Snow Patrol were a very fine band until Final Straw, the first two albums still being amongst my most frequently played, but as has been said before, the instant Lightbody discovered the money he could make from sing-a-long/lighter-in-the-air/so-middle-of-the-road-it-should-have-cats-eyes s**te, Snow Patrol were doomed, not financially (obviously) but musically. Editors, I'm not sure what to think. The whole Interpol comparison is well grounded, everytime a new Editors song comes out they sound more and more like Old Interpol...which may not be a bad thing as New Interpol are sounding less and less like Old Interpol.
8/21/2007 1:31 AM |
The video for "Lay Here" always baffles me - there's Gary Lightbody lying on the ground in various situations, like at the bottom of an escalator, with people walking over him as if he isn't even there. Did NO-ONE have the good sense to jump on the f**ker's head & put the world out of it's misery? It'd be so easy to get away with it too - "Sorry your honour, I thought it was a big fly".
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
8/21/2007 2:44 AM |
Jesus, I haven't seen a thread this vindictive in a long time. Well I'm going to put my hands up and say that I loved Final Straw and still do...and as for them being s**te live, that's patent boll*cks. I've seen them play in loads of places, including the Odyssey last Christmas and they were excellent. I do understand some of the points people are making about them milking the whole stadium rock thing though. I think their next album will be the turning point as to whether they are just U2 wannabes or whether there's more to them. Editors...bought their first album, apart from Munich I can't get excited about them.
8/21/2007 2:54 AM |
There's nothing vindictive about this thread - well, apart from wanting to stand on yer man's head I suppose! - but musically he's stood on my brain every time I hear his whiny voice and 3 chord tricks. You like what you like and hate what you hate. As for U2 wannabes - they sound f**k all like U2, maybe their latter day ballad s**te, but if they ever release anything of the calibre of U2s first 3 albums, or The Unforgettable Fire, Achtung Baby or Zooropa, I will eat my own arse. Editors are undeniably s**te. Their singer looks like a twat onstage aswell, which really doesn't help.
Strangegravy New Member Posts:35  
8/21/2007 2:55 AM |
I used to be big into Snow Patrol.. the early and newer stuff.. but I just kinda stopped listening to them a few months ago, I'll probably go through phases and dig out the albums in a few months time again.. they're just too overplayed, that's what's killed it for me.. Love the Editors though, haven't managed to buy the new album yet but like what I've heard off it.. thought the first one was class! If they do become more popular with the masses, then you'll also find more and more people disliking them too.. it's just the way it goes isn't it!
8/21/2007 3:14 AM |
Googled a few Editors lyrics - they're even MORE depressing than I thought. Here's an example - "You lose everything By the end Still my broken limbs You find time to mend More and more people I know are getting ill Pull something good from The ashes now be still You came on your own That's how you'll leave With hope in your hands And air to breathe" Christ on a bike, that's piss-poor. But not as bad as - "Pull the blindfold down So your eyes can't see Now run as fast as you can Through this field of trees Say goodbye to everyone you have ever known You are not gonna see them ever again I can't shake this feeling I've got My dirty hands Have I been in the wars? The saddest thing that I'd ever seen Were smokers outside the hospital doors Someone turn me around Can I start this again?" It reminds me of the kind of s**te a teenage school band would come up with. "Keep a light on those you love They will be there when you die Baby there’s no need to fear Baby there’s no need to cry Every little piece in your life Will add up to one Every little piece in your life Will it mean something to someone? " Someone please shoot me - my life is SOOOOOO miserable.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/21/2007 3:22 AM |
Posted By PARTON on 21 Aug 2007 12:50 AM "Mondeo man's 6-CD multichanger". Thats so 90s dude, The photocopier salesman formerly known as Mondeo man now drives a Poverty Spec BMW 316, Passat or horrible Korean SUV. JamesT - I love U2s Actung Baby era stuff, but that was a long time ago, I have every single U2 album right up to "All that you can't leave behind". "How to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb" marks the point I finally gave up on them completely. It was a sad day, but it's U2 trying to sound like Coldplay trying to sound like early U2, and that's what Snow Patrol are copying. But John Doe is right, this thread is vitriolic almost to the extent of pointlessness. Just chill out, you don't have to listen to them, turn off the radio, get a CD changer in your car or something. 
8/21/2007 3:33 AM |
There's no getting away from them - the place I work has Today FM on all f**king day. I hear them in shops, on the TV, even on buses. I may seem a bit O.T.T., but sometimes, they honestly make me wish that I was deaf.
Morrissey New Member Posts:6  
8/21/2007 4:20 AM |
They're both rubbish, the Editors are operating in a sulk zone while Snow Patrol are making music you hear being played over the credits when you're putting on your coat at the end of the movie. His voice is monotoned and reedy and the lyrics are, to coin Blackadder's phrase, wetter than a fish's wet bits. This thread is another indication of how absolutely dull the current music scene is - nothing inspiring, really edge of your seat grab you by the throat change your life in the first three bars exciting has been released for an age.
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
8/21/2007 4:35 AM |
"This thread is another indication of how absolutely dull the current music scene is" ??????? Snow Patrol are a stadium rock band, how the hell are they supposed to be exciting? If you wait on interesting art to be drip fed to you from commercial radio or mainstream sources, then you would starve. Go out and find it.