Originally posted by klootfan
Sure why not have a section for album announcements so, using your logic!!..
There is, its called New Recordings/Releases
Originally posted by klootfan
But I dont agree that from now on if I post recommending a gig in the soap box section, that it will be moved here.
I totally agree with you in principle Kloot, I don't move anything that I consider to be a genuine discussion, but I find if you let one thing that could be considered a gig announcement, loads of other people take it as signal to have a field day plugging their own gigs and it gets out of control. I've had to be very tough with the board, if there's the tiniest doubt, it gets moved. Unfortunately this means that occasionally what may have actually been a genuine topic gets moved, I'm not infallible, I can't make the right judgement 100% of the time. Things aren't perfect, the board seems to running fairly well, but there is always room for improvement, its good to hear everyones feedback.