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Last Post 8/4/2005 8:35 PM by  Una
Upcoming gigs, fookin 'ell
 27 Replies
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Advanced Member
Advanced Member

8/5/2005 12:49 PM
Either way, you are bringing peoples attention to a gig, hence they should be treated as the same.
Sure why not have a section for album announcements so, using your logic!!.. In fairness, as ive stated, we have to assume that the person is making an honest recommendation, unless admin finds out otherwise. I agree with Binokular regarding bands posting about their gigs on the soap box area, it is effectively spam and alot of people will treat it so. But I dont agree that from now on if I post recommending a gig in the soap box section, that it will be moved here. If I posted in the Soap Box area that I was looking forward to the Pixes on the 23rd of august, would that be moved, when all I was intending to do was to kick off a discussion. As ive said, it comes down to the difference between recommendation and advertising which to me is an important distinction. Even look down through the titles of the other posts in this section. This post stands out like a sore thumb.. WhoMe, no worries, i can see that the moving of this post wasnt your intention, that you were merely trying to clarify a question.. anyway..looks like i had more then my 2 cent..must be on about 5 now
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

8/5/2005 12:51 PM
Originally posted by WhoMe
I just feel that the people who visit and post on cluas are obvously into their music but they never give feedback on the New Recording sections.
Thats a good point, I suppose though, that a lot of people access Cluas at work and can't actually listen to the recordings sadly, but even still, going to have to make use of that broadband connection at home occasionally. On the flipside, people can always submit a demo CD, EP or album to Cluas for review ? I'm sure anything is welcome as long as its of reasonable audio quality and people are prepared to be put under the critical spotlight.
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/5/2005 12:59 PM
Your right about the work thing, if cluas and other similar websites werent up and running i might actually get some work done :-)
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

8/5/2005 1:00 PM
Originally posted by klootfan Sure why not have a section for album announcements so, using your logic!!..
There is, its called New Recordings/Releases
Originally posted by klootfan But I dont agree that from now on if I post recommending a gig in the soap box section, that it will be moved here.
I totally agree with you in principle Kloot, I don't move anything that I consider to be a genuine discussion, but I find if you let one thing that could be considered a gig announcement, loads of other people take it as signal to have a field day plugging their own gigs and it gets out of control. I've had to be very tough with the board, if there's the tiniest doubt, it gets moved. Unfortunately this means that occasionally what may have actually been a genuine topic gets moved, I'm not infallible, I can't make the right judgement 100% of the time. Things aren't perfect, the board seems to running fairly well, but there is always room for improvement, its good to hear everyones feedback.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

8/5/2005 1:06 PM
Fair enough on the new recordings/releases, but as the description for that area points out "This forum is for acts to post info on any new releases (or recordings) of theirs." im really confused as to the purpose of the Soap box section, what is it now for... discussion surely, and what sparks a discussion, a comment on a band, an album recommentation, or a gig recommendation amongst others...
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

8/5/2005 1:25 PM
The Soap box is for anything you want to talk about really, as long as its music related, like I said already I don't move anything that I consider to be a genuine discussion.
Basic Member
Basic Member

8/5/2005 2:43 PM
Interesting dissection of what sort of postings should go where. I think there are clear arguments to have this posting in either the Soap Box or the Gig Announcemnt forum. It's a borderline case. My personal take on it is that Binokular was right to move it here. But let's not get too precious about it all. Life's too short, etc. Overall I think the different themed 'sub-fora' on this discussion board work well. Each of them today provides - more or less - what is written on the box, so to speak (which certainly wasn't always the case in the past, as Binokular has pointed out above). Things around here sure are a damn side better than they were a year or so ago. And long may it stay that way, etc. eoghan
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

8/5/2005 2:45 PM
Yep, Tis friday and its not worth getting up in a huff about... No harm in a little banter :)
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