Hello all,
What with this being festival season, Oxegen is near upon us with others to follow. I was wondering if there might be people out there who would volounteer for a bit of Cluas promotion. Basiclly, Im looking for people to hand out Cluas flyers at the up coming festivals. Whether that be at the queues on the way in, our the queues for the toilets or the queues for beer ( Guess which festival im talking about ). What ever suits you really.
Basically, a number of flyers have been printed and photocopied and it would be great if people could take a few and hand them out at the festivals. If you do volounteer, then I will contact you seperately and arrange for the flyers to be delivered to you.
Just drop me a line ofline on by clicking on my user name and ill get back to you.
Yours in anticipation