should the "best thing I've heard in ages" thread be more at home in the "Music Reccomendations" section?
Most of us just post (out of habit) in "General Discussion" and its hard to pinpoint what that means. I know that there are other headings under which to post but none of us really take the time to decide where our post should be posted. Maybe its the fear that it won't be read in one of the other sections. Its just one of the disadvantages of Cluas becoming more popular and it'll probably even itself out.
Moderator, forgive me if I'm just stating the obvious! I think to maintain the board for what it is (i.e. a great place to discuss all things related to music), posters may have to think before they post.
Anyway, thats my opinion as a user of what is a great resource. And before any one else suggests, yeah, maybe this shouldn't be under "General Discussion".