1. Q, Mojo and Foggy Notions
2. Music featured, album reviews, writinig quality (not Q!).
3. Features and gig reviews.
4. Cluas, NME online for news.
5. All (Indie, Electonic,Dance,Country, Amerciana, Soul/Funk, Folk, Classic(Dylan,Young,Stones etc), do use these sources for "new" bands.
6. Q has gone downhill, about to stop buying for featuring crap lists and bands. Mojo too old orientated.
7. Yes, especially Allmusic.com.
8. More website refernces to "free"/sample download music.
9. Text
10. Yes, not often enought, 1 every two months.
11. Soul/Funk from golden era of Stax/Motown/Hi.
12. Q is foir the quality of writing and content.
13. Do like Mojo CD's (ofen desides whether I buy it or not) and Q used to have good complitaions.