oh yes it's gonna be another legendary new years this year down at EAMONN DORANS...headlining this saturday is the country's best lyricist the dublin city heartbreaker himself THE MIGHTY STEF & HIS BAND OF MEN...also on the night are SOVIET FILTER and STRAGLERS ,you should check out cpu to have a listen. SOVIET FILTER are dirty,punky,trashy,melodic genius while STRAGLERS are a 2 piece with dancey backing tracks kind of reminiscent of Electronic or Doves...also on the night are RADIATOR favourites the manchester loving MORNING STARDUST www.myspace.com/morningstardust. Kicking this whole shindig off at 8.15pm sharp are brilliant alternative outfit THE IDIOT. It's the cheapest party in town on the night coming in at 14eu and 12 with a flyer,do not miss!