Originally posted by Helmet
Santy was good enough to bring me a Sony NAS CZ1 for christmas. I'm supposed to be able to network it to my laptop and play all my stored music through it. I have the network set up and the server software installed but I'm getting a "No Server" prompt on the unit, can anyone help me out here before I'm forced to smash it up with a large trout!!!
First of all make sure the server software is actually running, it's not enough to simply install it.
Then make sure the CZ1 unit can actually connect to the laptop over the network, stuff to check would be
- is it getting an IP address
- is it on the same IP range? if your laptop is on, the CZ1 should have a similar address, e.g.
- is there firewall software (e.g. ZoneAlarm) or a firewall on your router stopping connections between the laptop and CZ1, make sure the firewall is configured allow connections between both devices both ways.
- Are you on a Wireless LAN that uses MAC address filtering? If so make sure the CZ1s network adapter MAC address is allowed on the LAN and that it has the correct WEP credentials to connect.
- Also worth considering on a Wireless LAN is interference and range. If the CZ1 is near anything that could cause electromagnetic interference (powerful electric motor, TV, etc.), then it may not be able to pick up a signal. It may also simply be out of range of your wireless router. Try moving it next to the wireless router to see if this makes a difference.
Its all a bit technical I know, but networking is rarely easy or hassle free

If all else fails, I suggest a Halibut