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Last Post 12/8/2005 8:05 PM by  Super Nintendo Chalmers
Citizen Cope
 1 Replies
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Super Nintendo Chalmers
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12/8/2005 8:05 PM
    does anyone know where i could get a copy of Citizen Cope's album? one of mates has it, he got it in the States. i've been trying to getit now for a good while and Amazon have kept letting me down. on a slightly related note im currently listening to Donovan Frankenreiter, if you like Jack Johnson but have become kinda sick of him, might i recommend Mr. Frankenreier's album, despite his name tis very good.. but lets not get distracted here people Citizen Cope?? (also ELO, what a band)
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    12/8/2005 8:37 PM
    Try www.play.com Frankenreiter's self-titled album is very good indeed.
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