benniAdvanced Member Posts:947
10/18/2005 12:07 PM |
ok so theres an ad for SVU-Special Victims Unit on RTE.
The music is this electronic thang - fairly chaotic.
I've heard it before and I know it but i just cant remember
who the f**k its by...
any takers?
DamienBasic Member Posts:316
10/18/2005 12:59 PM |
I've never seen the ad or heard the song, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say 2 Unlimited.
benniAdvanced Member Posts:947
10/18/2005 1:54 PM |
hahahah smart ass
akablueNew Member Posts:78
10/19/2005 9:31 AM |
Here's a thought why don't you just tune in at the end of the programme when they run the credits & see who does the musak. My quess is, they probably come from a big file marked "Cop TV show musak # 8" I could be wrong though. Maybe you heard it before on a previous episode ?
benniAdvanced Member Posts:947
10/19/2005 10:26 AM |
nah dude - its like an AD for the thang - you know
that the station does themselves - and come to
think of it I reckon its actually on TV3...
akablueNew Member Posts:78
10/19/2005 10:34 AM |
Aha.....I see. Nope can't help you there I'm afraid,its a TV3 show alright. You know what that shower of comercial loving no marks they are. They've defo ripped it of some-one though I'll tell you that for nowt, no originality whatsoever on TV3