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Last Post 10/13/2005 7:44 PM by  nlgbbbblth
Why do Tower records never answer their phone?
 6 Replies
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10/13/2005 7:44 PM
    Been trying every few minutes since 5.30pm I want to know if they have the new Nuggets box in stock Children of Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the Second Psychedelic Era - 1976-1995 pricks
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/13/2005 9:59 PM
    Probably because they're coping with being understaffed because a couple of their student part-time "this isn't a real job anyway" staff haven't showed up after a night on the tiles, meanwhile you're trying to keep an eye on those 14 year olds trying to lift nu-metal cds, while dealing with the fifty squillion customers who seem to have descended upon your till with dumb questions like "do you know the one that goes "der duh nah.. er thats not.. I mean duh der nah" and the Fed-ex guy who has just dropped several metric tonnes of stock cartons on your floor is getting impatient for someone to sign for it because he has "23 more deliveries to make today bud", and that phone wont stop ringing and WHO THE HELL NICKED MY LAST NEUROFEN! ....and all for minimal wages too, I've worked in retail, it sucks. Anyway don't tower have a website? whip out yer credit card and pre-order it of the interwebby man!
    New Member
    New Member

    10/13/2005 10:55 PM
    Originally posted by Binokular
    Anyway don't tower have a website? whip out yer credit card and pre-order it of the interwebby man!
    Do you have any idea of the postal delays for packages coming from the UK (and possibly other countries) at the moment? DVDs sent from sendit.com (Jersey) 27 Sep and 28 Sep - not arrived DVDs sent from London 1 Oct - not arrived An Post are seriously inefficient. There are a lot of dissatisfied punters venting their anger on the customer services helpline while other bitch on boards.ie I live 30 miles away from Dublin so I'm f**ked if I'm heading in there on Saturday to buy a box set unless I know someplace has it in stock.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/14/2005 9:05 AM
    Yeah good point, post does take ages in this country, especially if you're in a rural area.
    Vent My Spleen
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    10/14/2005 1:30 PM
    F*$king An Post. Bought stuff on ebay which was sent 2 weeks ago. No sign. Last year the lost a whole consignment of post including a watch which I sent for repair. Luckily, I had registered it and got my shillings back. Only took 9 months....
    Rev Jules
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/14/2005 5:06 PM
    Originally posted by nlgbbbblth
    I want to know if they have the new Nuggets box in stock Children of Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the Second Psychedelic Era - 1976-1995 pricks
    I dropped into Tower over lunch today 14/10/05 and asked for you. Its out but Tower don't have it in stock. They can get it in on order though, as probably can your local record shop.
    New Member
    New Member

    10/14/2005 7:27 PM
    Originally posted by Rev Jules
    I dropped into Tower over lunch today 14/10/05 and asked for you. Its out but Tower don't have it in stock. They can get it in on order though, as probably can your local record shop.
    thanks much appreciated
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