AntistarAdvanced Member Posts:544
10/7/2005 6:37 PM |
The execrable Revs make the cover of Hot Press.Oh God.Oh Dear God. The Revs are deemed good enough to feature on the front Ireland's premier music magazine.The Revs!!!!! Niall Stokes, the doctor will see you now. Head Doctor, that is. The Revs!!! Is this a dream? Or a nightmare?
CarlsbergBasic Member Posts:215
10/8/2005 1:32 AM |
Anistar, while your comments are spot on, can I ask the questions which may inevitably lead to yet another Hot Press Debate..
(1) Are we surprised anymore by strange HP decisions
(2) Do we actually care anymore?
I have stopped buying it. Picked up a copy of Connected Mag last week and thought it was well presented, good read, and contains music talk and reviews which dont have to involve keeping certain irish "sectors" of the industry happy. Alot of Potential there.
AntistarAdvanced Member Posts:544
10/9/2005 4:53 PM |
Yr probably right, Carlsberg. I shouldn't be getting so worked up about these very strange decisions at Hot Press. It's just that the Revs are so awful yet they still end up getting this kind of exposure that far more talented and gifted bands are crying out for.
CarlsbergBasic Member Posts:215
10/9/2005 7:57 PM |
Again, agreed. If they are too stupid to kop on to the music buying publics, by now well documented opinions, on they're uninteresting and pathetic tabloid approach to writing about "music" then let them continue to hit self destruct.