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Last Post 9/28/2005 3:13 PM by  one eye
Contacting the baggy one!
 3 Replies
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one eye
New Member
New Member

9/28/2005 3:13 PM
    anyone out there got any ideas? novel , simple, straightforward or creative ways I may be able to get a contact for Ian Brown, his managment or his tour management. I need to speak to him about something. I have tried his website and his record labels (Fiction)site, but there is no address, phone number nothing....... have emailed but wasn't really expecting a reply, and you guessed it did not get one! So come on all you cluas heads, I need your help, as Delia would say, 'Lets be havin ya'.
    Rev Jules
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    9/28/2005 3:31 PM
    Originally posted by one eye
    anyone out there got any ideas? novel , simple, straightforward or creative ways I may be able to get a contact for Ian Brown, his managment or his tour management. I need to speak to him about something. I have tried his website and his record labels (Fiction)site, but there is no address, phone number nothing....... have emailed but wasn't really expecting a reply, and you guessed it did not get one! So come on all you cluas heads, I need your help, as Delia would say, 'Lets be havin ya'.
    Its a very long shot but you can try Friday Review at the Guardian who interview him last week.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/28/2005 6:13 PM
    You could try contacting a promoter who dealt with his gigs...They may not, but they still may put you in contact with him.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/29/2005 10:04 AM
    Actually, I don't think he'll reform the roses though! That was a good interview in the Guardian. Surprised that Squire sent him a note in prison. That's one f**ked up relationship but if butler and anderson can get back together anything's possible.
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