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Last Post 9/10/2005 3:32 PM by  Una
Franz Ferdinand in Irish Times mag
 9 Replies
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Veteran Member
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9/10/2005 3:32 PM
    anybody read this?
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    Advanced Member

    9/11/2005 6:59 PM
    AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL PIECE. learned absolutely nothing new or interesting about the band. read as if it was "my first rock interview" i wouldnt even use it as cat litter, it was that bad
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/12/2005 4:33 PM
    It's for the Irish Times magazine. Not for Pitchfork media. Why not consider the target readership before you condemn the article - in my book it seemed perfectly competent.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/12/2005 4:54 PM
    Originally posted by vandala
    It's for the Irish Times magazine. Not for Pitchfork media. Why not consider the target readership before you condemn the article - in my book it seemed perfectly competent.
    true - but u would still expect something more than what the drivel that was dished up. the problem is as much the writer as the magazine - when u the IT magazine gives you the space and cover for a band like FF and you dont take the chance to do a brilliant piece, it says a lot about the writer's ability and competence.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    9/12/2005 10:21 PM
    I don't understand when people say "but it's for the Irish Times" as if the readers don't know s**t about music themselves, or bands, or people for that matter. That's what's wrong with Irish journalism as a whole. A low standard is excusable based on an uninformed view of readership.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/12/2005 10:33 PM
    Didn't think it was particularly bad. Just in no way interesting.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/14/2005 12:36 PM
    Originally posted by Una That's what's wrong with Irish journalism as a whole. A low standard is excusable based on an uninformed view of readership.
    Defending a journalist is about as savoury as having a beer with a paedophile these days, but I can't let this (ill-informed) broadside pass. Relatively, Ireland has one of the highest newspaper readerships in the world, a small country supporting 40+ provincial papers, 10 Sundays, 8+ Irish dailies. In such a small and competitive environment, these businesses simply don't survive unless they know their readerships intimately. They do survive, and a majority of them make a profit. Perhaps I'm off topic (sorry folks), however, and you were referring solely to music journalism.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    9/14/2005 7:44 PM
    that has got nothing to do with the quality of writing!
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/15/2005 7:28 AM
    I can see this developing into he said she said but..... I would suggest that it has everything to do with the quality of the writing/news gathering. With Net, radio and TV all around with the breaking news, it's the very fact that print is print, and quality print, that keeps the above publications profitable. Unless you count Hot Press (the exception that proves it all). Mind you, I agree that the Franz F piece was mind-numbingly bland.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/15/2005 9:45 AM
    it used to be said that there are only 4 or 5 stories in the world and the same can sometimes be applied to brilliant arguments on Cluas like this one! yes, papers tailor their content to match their readership. The Irish Times has realised that its readership is dying off (literally, in some cases - its the same thing which happened to the Daily Telegraph when Max Hastings took over, as he points out in his brilliant book Editor) and theyre going after The Kids. However, despite what they might think at their weekly meetings and think-ins, they're not going to get The Kids with bland-as-f**k articles like Anna Carey's Franz Ferdinand piece. The Kids are much, much smarter than that. And they want pieces on Led Zep, Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix. Think I'm joking? Check out what your kid brother is listening to. The Franz intv would have been much different and probably much better if it had been done by one of the Ticket's music writers - Brian Boyd or Jim Carroll. But if u read the paper week in and week out, u will see that neither do much stuff for The Magazine for some reason (taste, laziness, too busy) so that wasnt going to happen and we got the awful piece we got. Thin Man dude is right - we still put more trust in print because of the quality of the news gathering machine. which is why when the mainstream media tackle music culture issues, we're all so annoyed. we know from web and new media that music and culture can be tackled in very interesting, innovative and vibey ways so when old media mess it up (like the Franz piece), we all rightly get on our high horses
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