UnaVeteran Member Posts:1721
7/25/2005 10:16 PM |
my two new favourite bands. Pissed off I have missed 2 Editors gigs this year. MUST catch the next one. Anyone else have the albums?
GarVeteran Member Posts:1676
7/25/2005 11:45 PM |
I thought Editors were great at Oxegen. Haven't actually picked up the album yet (payday is Friday) but I did get two tickets for their upcoming Whelan's gig. So yeah, I think they are pretty damn good.
UnicronVeteran Member Posts:1696
7/25/2005 11:48 PM |
Not really gone on Editors (3rd rate Interpol), haven't heard Clor yet.
ishrinkBasic Member Posts:195
7/26/2005 1:09 AM |
The Editors album is very mediocre.
Will probably head along to the Whelans gig to see what the fuss is about though.
strollerAdvanced Member Posts:576
7/26/2005 2:50 AM |
Bullets, Munich and Love + Pain are three of the best singles of the year so far. I've ordered both the albums off CD Wow on Friday so I'll give you my verdict when the CDs arrive in the post.
benniAdvanced Member Posts:947
7/26/2005 8:31 AM |
Editors are class - Saw their two gigs this year. Pretty intense live show. Really good.
The album is good - not amazing but more than mediocre.
Clor - i like also altho I'm maybe more swayed by those hot damn funky dance moves and shiny outfits
in the love + pain vid. ;-)
ishrinkBasic Member Posts:195
7/26/2005 9:40 AM |
(to expand a little...)
Some of the songs are good, no doubt.
They could be very good if it weren't for the vocalists constant Paul Banks impressions, and the guitarist constantly trying to be the Edge. The basslines are mostly plodding, and where interesting are a little too heavily "influenced" by the usual in-crowd. Drums are pretty standard throughout, with the usual 8/16 hat changes and offbeat disco fills generously littered about from track to track.
Sounds like a band that've been on the go a while with a few decent songs, who decided to change their sound to fit in with the latest trends.
Uninspiring, instantly forgetable and very mediocre.
benniAdvanced Member Posts:947
7/26/2005 10:57 AM |
Man could you go down that pretentious ass road anymore - stop over intellectualising it just to sound f**king important and accept the fact that sometimes music is just good to some people because it is and there's nothing more to it.
I could reply to that with comparitive analysis of the effects pedals and technique of the edge and editors guitarist to dispprove your statement but then I'm not a f**king tool.
spurtacusBasic Member Posts:229
7/26/2005 11:08 AM |
jaysus whats wrong with not liking music with little or no variation and originality?!
BinokularVeteran Member Posts:1665
7/26/2005 12:00 PM |
quote: Originally posted by benni
Man could you go down that pretentious ass road anymore - stop over intellectualising it just to sound f**king important and accept the fact that sometimes music is just good to some people because it is and there's nothing more to it.
I could reply to that with comparitive analysis of the effects pedals and technique of the edge and editors guitarist to dispprove your statement but then I'm not a f**king tool.
Whats over-intellectual about ishrinks comment? Everything he said relates directly to the music, and theres nothing wrong with being able to describe music in actual musical terms rather than the usual NME style hyperbole. Your comment is not constructive and calling him a tool is just abusive. I suggest you take it back.
- Binokular (Moderator)
ishrinkBasic Member Posts:195
7/26/2005 12:29 PM |
quote: Originally posted by spurtacus
jaysus whats wrong with not liking music with little or no variation and originality?!
Nothing. I really like the Magic Numbers - not a lot by way of originality there. I think there's a key difference between not pioneering new genres playing 35minute jazz oddyseys, and just ripping off the flavour of the month in an attempt to ride their coat-tails, though.
I'm not saying Editors are s**t by any means, just they don't deserve the massive hype in my opinion. There are a few tunes they didn't give the whole Interpol-u2-whatever treatment to, and they sound the better for it.( You are fading, Dust in the spotlight)
Maybe I'm just too much of a cynical bastard, am totally wrong and they're the best band in the world ever.
benniAdvanced Member Posts:947
7/26/2005 12:40 PM |
Ok yes far enough so I ranted there what I really meant by that comment, ishrink, is basically this -
I heard editors before the hype through a mate from London and I like them on the basis of the fact that I just liked them. Not for any over analytical reason I just liked them.
I just hate when a band gets some hype surrounding them and then people tend to pick apart their music in a really overly intellectualised way just to have something to say and to go against the grain and try to basically dissprove the fact that sometimes music is just good cause it is even if it is not the most innovative thing on the planet.
I hate when people try to out do other peoples taste in music by coming off all 'I know so much more tehcnically than you do man so my opinion is of course so much more relevant' cause I could go down that road too but why bother when I can just say 'yea they're good'as was the tone of the discussion initially.
And they are by no means my favorite band either man jesus. But yea rant over and yes I maybe did over react.
ishrinkBasic Member Posts:195
7/26/2005 12:58 PM |
quote: Originally posted by benni
I just hate when a band gets some hype surrounding them and then people tend to pick apart their music in a really overly intellectualised way just to have something to say and to go against
I don't think you need to over intellectualise to notice they sound very "now".
the grain and try to basically dissprove the fact that sometimes music is just good cause it is even if it is not the most innovative thing on the planet.
That was the gist of my initial post. I don't think it is that good.
And the blatant manipulation of the songs to fit the current market is, well, lame.
I hate when people try to out do other peoples taste in music by coming off all 'I know so much more tehcnically than you do man so my opinion is of course so much more relevant' cause I could go down that road too but why bother when I can just say 'yea they're good'as was the tone of the discussion initially.
Wasn't intended to be a cooler-than-thou post. Just tried to give the thread a little more depth than "They're good", "No they're not". It'd be a very boring place if all posts followed that vein.
spurtacusBasic Member Posts:229
7/26/2005 1:02 PM |
my post prob wasnt too clear, it was directed at benni in yer defense ishrink, probably doesnt come across like that though in hindsight, i'm not one for long posts
benniAdvanced Member Posts:947
7/26/2005 1:10 PM |
quote: Originally posted by ishrink
Wasn't intended to be a cooler-than-thou post. Just tried to give the thread a little more depth than "They're good", "No they're not". It'd be a very boring place if all posts followed that vein.
Yea ok far enough thats just the vibe that I got.
It just happens so often when I discuss music with people and occassionally mention that I like a band that isnt totally pitchfork and (god forbid) a bit easy, not very challenging and yes maybe predictable or 'now' - its like people f**king freak out and suggest that if you knew anything about music that you couldnt possible justify liking them. It pisses me off.
Thats why sometimes a simplistic view is the best one to entertain because there doesnt ALWAYS have to be so much thought out into why someone thinks a band is good.
Norman SchwarzkopfBasic Member Posts:427
7/26/2005 1:19 PM |
Come on. 8/16 hat changes?? That tells me nowt about Editors. It just tells me that you know what an 8/16 hat change is. To me, that's just pointless technical jargon and it edged an otherwise fine message into the land of irritation.
PunchbowlBasic Member Posts:205
7/26/2005 1:33 PM |
I thought the Tribune captured it nicely when the suggested that ' when you can't decide if they're a rip off of Interpol or a rip off of Joy Division, then you know you're in trouble '..
My opionion is that there's a lot of room in that particular genre for the Editors. And I think Interpol fans will lap it up simply because there is so little actual Interpol material out there, this is (almost) the next best thing.
The sentiment isn't there though is it? It's all a lttle forced and I doubt the singer has a deep voice either.. Anyway...
LooseFirNew Member Posts:45
7/26/2005 1:40 PM |
I like 8/16 hat changes, why? Maybe its the way it relates to the bass line and the surging rif......shut up myself! It sounds good to me, thats all that matters
benniAdvanced Member Posts:947
7/26/2005 1:48 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Punchbowl
My opionion is that there's a lot of room in that particular genre for the Editors. And I think Interpol fans will lap it up simply because there is so little actual Interpol material out there, this is (almost) the next best thing.
The sentiment isn't there though is it? It's all a lttle forced and I doubt the singer has a deep voice either.. Anyway...
Thats true enough as I can admitt that - yes I'm quite the Interpol fan. I dont really think Editors are as rip offish as they seem tho. Then again maybe they are - maybe they sounded competley different a while back and were groomed for this genre and scene. Maybe its all superficial bulls**t.
Then again if someone heard a recording of them in 1999 and the singer had that voice and that musical leneage would that somehow authenticate what they are doing now and therefore allow certain people who didnt like them on the basis of them being scenesters then do a complete 180? It doesnt always have to be so difficult to be into a band.
Whatever I'm not trying to argue with anyone else anymore I'm just saying... well i think everyone know what I'm saying so I'll stop now.
strollerAdvanced Member Posts:576
7/26/2005 7:17 PM |
If anyone wants to make up their own mind about these two bands than they can listen to their albums here;
http://www.nme.com/features/113040.htm (Editors)
http://www.nme.com/features/113039.htm (Clor)