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Last Post 7/8/2005 2:10 PM by  Una
f**k Forever
 12 Replies
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Veteran Member
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7/8/2005 2:10 PM
    Great new single from Babyshambles
    Advanced Member
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    7/8/2005 2:48 PM
    Originally posted by Una
    Great new single from Babyshambles
    ah una..........
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/8/2005 2:50 PM
    Una I thought you didn't like Pete Doherty? "If he didn't like crack no one would call him a waster"
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    7/8/2005 3:00 PM
    i dont think she was saying she didn't like him when she said that, more defending him?
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    7/8/2005 3:32 PM
    I don't know Pete Doherty, so I can't really say whether I like him or not. What I can judge is his music. The new single is good. Has anyone else heard it?
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    7/8/2005 3:39 PM
    yup i likes it, although im not sure if the version i heard is the single edit? good tune though
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/8/2005 3:46 PM
    Originally posted by Una
    I don't know Pete Doherty, so I can't really say whether I like him or not. What I can judge is his music. The new single is good. Has anyone else heard it?
    Sorry Una - must have misinterpreted you. Heard it and I don't think its very good. None of the Babyshambles stuff has impressed me greatly. Their following is a lot more to do with the circus that surrounds them than what they produce in the studio. I know Peter Doherthy from what I read in magazines, newspapers and from what I've seen of the various programmes, documentaries and interviews with him and I think that he is a sad, drug addled individual. Admittedly the media has in many ways glorified his drug lifestyle to the max. Unfortunately for Pete he really isn't the legend or poet he is made out to be. Added to all of this his appearance with Sir Elton at Live 8 was nothing short of sickening. Sir Elton is a sycophant (see previous appearances with Guns N'Roses and Eminem) so it was difficult to judge who was sadder, Sir Elton or Doherty. On reflection Doherty just edged it. After his appearance at Live 8 he went on a bender to Paris and missed his band's gig with Oasis. I'd also like to say that as a human being I have some sympathy for his battle with addiction; I just really wish I didn't have to put up with it in the daily newspapers and music press.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    7/8/2005 4:11 PM
    I dont read stuff about Pete Doherty because it's all pretty boring. Because I don't pay attention to his press, it fails to irritate me. I didn't watch him on Live 8 either, so I don't have an opinion. Some of the Babyshambles stuff appeals to me, other stuff less so, but I like this single. Interesting structure, good lyrics, catchy chorus, good bassline. Good track.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/8/2005 4:17 PM
    Originally posted by Una
    I dont read stuff about Pete Doherty because it's all pretty boring. Because I don't pay attention to his press, it fails to irritate me. I didn't watch him on Live 8 either, so I don't have an opinion. Some of the Babyshambles stuff appeals to me, other stuff less so, but I like this single. Interesting structure, good lyrics, catchy chorus, good bassline. Good track.
    Excellent, you like it! I can't imagine how you haven't read any of his press. Further I can't imagine how you know its boring without reading it.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    7/8/2005 4:49 PM
    I'm talking about the tabloid press where he apparantly appears in regularly with dumb crack stories. Obviously I read reviews because I'm interested in the music, but the former stuff is generally what people refer to when they say 'Pete Doherty's Press'
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    7/8/2005 4:59 PM
    I'm a big Libs fan and I've stood up for Doherty on more than one occassion but even I have to admit that f**k forever is a mess. I think Doherty's a seriously talented individual but the rest of that Baby Shambles gang are a bunch of chancers. They're piss poor musicicians who can't play to save their lives. The new tune is messy, sprawling poorly produced and it sounds like a rough demo of a first draft of a tune that was knocked out during a sound check in a s**tty club. It's a million miles away from tunes like Time For Heroes or What A Waster. While the Libs were messy they always sounded passionate and driven and vital. This just sounds half arsed. If any one wants to make up their own mind they can watch the video for the single here; http://www.nme.com/features/112867.htm
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/9/2005 1:19 PM
    ^^^What he said. Rest of the band are complete chancers. He was horrendous at live8, rubbish. In saying that, at Glasto f**k fovever and the last tune were decent but hard to ignore the previous half hour of inane warbling into the microphone. They maybe good recorded but from my experience they are atrocious live.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/9/2005 5:15 PM
    I see that the release of this single has been postponed - the record company are suggesting that the band are not happy with it. I saw Doherty at Live8 - I was lucky enough to be a few metres from the front of the stage. I've read some of the tabloid press and listened to the Libertines. I firmly believe that this guy's music would not be taken seriously were it not for the fact that he seems to be a "...tragic icon..." in the making. Beside me in the crowd, there were 2 guys going nuts. I asked them why. One replied that "... appreciate him while we still have him..." and "... he's our generation's Cobain...". Right. His singing was awful. He hadn't bothered to learn his lyrics. Elton's band kept him in it. It was car crash stuff. Compelling in its sheer awfulness. The Libertines are probably the most over-hyped band in recent years (how in under God has Mick Jones picked up so many producer awards for those records?). I would like to see Doherty slip into obscurity. It might just keep him alive.
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