Originally posted by stroller
Zoot Woman (Jacques Lu Cont of Les Rythmes Digitales)
Thin White Duke (Jacques Lu Cont of Les Rythmes Digitales)
Isn't "Thin White Duke" just an alias for remix work? (unlike Zoot Woman which is a proper band apparently). Thats pretty common in electronic music. For example, Felix Stallings is known as Felix da Housecat, Elektrikboy, Thee Madcatt Courtship and Afrohead, yet its still pretty much Felix. Another example is Aphex Twin, who is also known as AFX, Polygon Window and about a squillion others. Not too sure why they do it, but you're aren't a serious producer unless you've got a couple of aliases it seems. While we're on the suject of Felix the Housecat and dance music aliases and stuff, I might as well sneak in
Thee Glitz, which was the electro supergroup comprisng of Dave The Hustler, Miss Kittin, Tommie Sunshine and Melistar that Felix assembled for his "The Kittenz and The Glitz album" which was one of the landmark albums for dance music in recent times and is still one of my all time favourite albums.
By the way, thats quite a list stroller, if thats off the top of yer head, its hard to imagine how big it would be if you put some thought into it.

Gotta agree about Black Box Recorder, I had almost forgetten about how brilliant they are, must keep it in mind now that I might soon be in a position to afford to start buying albums again. Looper's great too, I only have their first album though, are the later albums as good?