Originally posted by Mully
I'm Spartacus!
This was from popbitch last July, that just reminded me of it.
Eric (son of Kirk) Douglas, who died this week,
tried his hand at stand-up comedy back in the 80s.
He had some success in Las Vegas and brought his,
frankly dreadful, act to London. On the first
night Eric gets about two jokes in before the
heckling begins. Used to respect from audiences
because he was the son of one of America's best
loved actors Eric was surprised at the hostile
reaction. Eventually he snapped and screamed
"You can't treat me like this... I'm the son
of Kirk Douglas!"
After a very brief pause, a wag at the back of
the audience stood up and shouted "No! I'M the
son of Kirk Douglas"...then someone else stood up
and shouted "No! I'M the son of Kirk Douglas"
and so on. Eric left the stage in tears.