Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
2/14/2005 6:28 PM |
I know alot of people in Ireland get very fustrated about the Tickemaster service so maybe this article would interest you:
TicketLord has announced its intention to challenge Ticketmaster's supremacy in the Irish gig market.
Set up in 2002 by Dubliner Hugh O'Morain, TicketLord has mainly dealt up till now in non-music events like Funderland, Toys 4 Big Boys and Mondello Park.
"In order to expand the business," O'Morain says, "TicketLord has entered into a strategic alliance with Intercall Management in Cork, Intercall being a 24/7 call centre employing close to eighty people. This has given us the infrastructure and capital to aggressively attack the market."
O'Morain is also hoping to outgun their main rival by investing heavily in new technology. "Our service is unique in that customers can select their own seat and see the view to the stage when booking tickets on the website," he resumes. "We're also the first in Europe to introduce 'print at home' tickets. This feature allows the customer to receive a digital copy of their ticket via email. Events using this technology are no longer subject to postal delivery delays. As a result tickets can be sold right up until the event actually begins."
O'Morain ends by comparing TicketLord to another of Ireland's perennial underdogs. "We like to think of ourselves as the Ryanair of the ticket industry. We're currently seeking a level playing field in the industry. The service we're offering is a viable alternative to Ticketmaster and in many cases less than 50% of what is charged by other ticketing agencies."
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
2/14/2005 6:31 PM |
Thanks for the link Gar! I had been wondering how to get tickets to see the BTCC. Not music related I know, but cheers anyway!
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
2/14/2005 6:45 PM |
No worries. It's great to have competition so that we aren't being ripped off as much but I've always thought that the venues themselves should sell tickets. Hopefully it works out.
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
2/14/2005 7:08 PM |
yes, good news indeed, especially if it brings prices down and the fact you could can select youre seat is a bonus, remember when you used to be able to do that with Ticketbastard ! if I were this bloke I'd steer clear of the Ryanair comparisons, its a good airline but would you want to be compared to Michael O' Leary ???
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
2/14/2005 10:17 PM |
sorry to spoil the party but this is not going to change the situation too much
the 2 biggest promoters in ireland are MCD and Aikens. They put on 90-95 per cent of the big shows in this country. they use ticketmaster and always will for a variety of reasons - chiefly because its a nobrainer for them because they only have to deal with one ticket agency and theres no messing around for them, theres probably also borderline corruption involved because i'm sure u will find plenty of links if u dig around btw T-Master directors and the relevant promoters but that's for someone with a big lawyer to discuss and not me or Cluas.
occasionally they may throw the likes of ticketlord a bone but rest assured, for the big shows, they will ALWAYS go with ticketmaster despite ticketlord's njew investment in call centres and the like.
for the smaller shows (ie ones in whelans and the village in dublin), there is already an alternative to Ticketmaster which is the Whelans/Village Box Office. i rang up the other week to get a few tickets for a show and was told there was NO BOOKING CHARGE on any of their gigs. That really came as (good) news to me and i hope i'm not the last to hear about this.
like the vast majority of cluasers, i have loads and loads of problems with ticketmaster. i think its a rip-off, i think their charges are ludicrous and i think they have an unhealthy quasi-monopoly on their line of business in this country which should be tested and challenged by the Competition Authority or similar body. But until the likes of MCD and Aikens decide to use someone else to sell the tickets to their show, T-Master will continue to be the only serious game in town.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
2/14/2005 10:30 PM |
Well maybe if Ticket Lord have an attractive business plan, Aiken and MCD might switch over. Never say never in the world of business. I usually try to buy my tickets through Road Recs or WAV box office anyway, but I wouldn't be anti-ticketmaster at all as it is a good service - just a bit too expensive.
amawaster Basic Member Posts:127  
2/14/2005 10:54 PM |
WAV do charge booking fee, €1 only tho. i try to use Road or Sound Cellar or venue's box office if i can, but for big gigs tickemaster is inevitable, usually have to buy em online
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
2/15/2005 9:13 AM |
Yep, it's a total rip off. I was going to write a piece on this but got frustrated as there is lots of annecdotal evidence but nothing concrete to back it up. Anyhow, I'll detail some observations here.
If you look at the ticket master website for their definition of 'Service Charge', they say 'The actual amount is determined by agreement with the venue or promoter for each event.' I'd really love to know how this works. What possible input could the promoter/venue have in deciding how much it'll cost Ticketmaster to sell the tickets? Ah, dug a little further and found this fascinating article - 'A portion of what we collect as our fees does get paid back to our clients," says David Goldberg, Ticketmaster’s executive vice president of strategy and business development. "Over time the portion of those fees that gets paid back has increased."' I wonder does this happen here? So not alone do they decide the ticket price, but the promoter might be getting a kick back from tickermaster? If this is the case, no wonder they ain't anxious to use anyone else!
On another note, having worked developing the odd website, processing a credit card transaction can cost 2.5% of the transaction cost (which is a surprise to many people as the retailler usually consumes this cost but increasingly on the web, it is passed to the buyer). However, debit cards usually have a fixed and far lower transaction cost. This is still a long way off the service charge that sometimes approaches 10% (per ticket, not per transaction).
It is time there was some transparency. Until then, I'll be using Sound Cellar and Road Recs (who are to be saluted).
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
2/15/2005 9:56 AM |
on another point, has anyone else noticed the disparity in ticket prices from one irish city to another?
brother wants to go see lemon jelly and theyre playing in cork's savoy. its 17 euros. just checked ticketmaster and for the dublin show, its 38.50 euros. HELLO???? thats over 100 percent difference between dublin and cork, i know its the city of culture but surely even that doesnt explain this one?
anyone else ever notice similar differences? anyone care to guess what aside from promoter greed this is due to?
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/15/2005 9:58 AM |
That is very annoying alright. Maybe they just think they can charge whatever they like in the capital - larger audience etc. I think it was the same with the Ordinary Boys. 17 Euro in the TBMC and 12 Euro in Limerick.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
2/15/2005 10:45 AM |
Lemon Jelly? What the hell is with that?? Absolute disgrace. The Belfast gig is 17 sterling. Even with currency conversion that's about 23 euro. It's time people started voting with their feet. I haven't been to a gig in the Olympia (one of my favourite venues) for years because I think the price of gigs there is outrageous.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
2/15/2005 10:49 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Vent My Spleen
Lemon Jelly? What the hell is with that?? Absolute disgrace. The Belfast gig is 17 sterling. Even with currency conversion that's about 23 euro. It's time people started voting with their feet. I haven't been to a gig in the Olympia (one of my favourite venues) for years because I think the price of gigs there is outrageous.
well, we're getting around it by going to cork and making a weekend of it. the gig in cork is promoted by someone called Headline so they are obviously either (a) getting the band cheap or (b) less greedy motherf**kers than MCD
i think punters are getting more sussed about value for money. its why fests like Glastonbury and Oxegen and Benecassim and Primavera are so popular - more bang for your buck. I know if i'm going away for a weekend, i always look at to see who's playing that weekend and if i can go. gigs in europe or even england are way, way cheaper than they are here. why? cos the promoters here are greedy, they can keep saying that costs here are higher but really? London? Paris? Theyre both far far costlier than Dublin and yet ticket prices are ALWAYS cheaper there. ALWAYS. Its a rip off
OK, rant over, i'm going to make myself a cup of tea now. With extra sugar.
2/15/2005 1:30 PM |
i dont think ticketbastard have much to worry about in terms of ticketlord. i worked for them and they havent a f**kin clue what their at. there logo even looks like ticketmasters! in fairness to them they did get hard working class heroes, but as long as mcd and aiken rule theyre dead in the water.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
2/15/2005 6:54 PM |
Well there needs to be competition. Being a broke student, I can't afford 75 euro to see Brian Wilson in Vicar Street. It's a joke. I've missed out on some great acts because the tickets were too expensive.