dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
2/3/2005 2:19 PM |
why are they so s**te that they might me want to cut off my ears. and the new athlete stuff frightens me with its blandness please i need help 
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/3/2005 2:26 PM |
I think Keane are a quality term. Good album - nothing much to it. Nice songs.
2/3/2005 2:41 PM |
that's the thing about keane though. . . they're NICE. I mean nice = boring, just coz its easy on the ears doesn't make it interesting or even good.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
2/3/2005 2:45 PM |
Agree with Elle there, it's nice, but it's boring and belongs in Starbucks
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
2/3/2005 2:49 PM |
quote: Originally posted by elle
that's the thing about keane though. . . they're NICE.
Weren't so nice in the Tunnel the other night !
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
2/3/2005 3:24 PM |
whats nice about it karl you know my views on this subject
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
2/3/2005 3:25 PM |
nice term what does that mean? so instead of saying that was a nice sandwhich you should say that was a keane sandwhich. they are s**te it is fair of me to say this
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
2/3/2005 3:28 PM |
so so so bland
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
2/3/2005 3:42 PM |
id like to see them on one those kids shows were they get s**t thrown over them and then take them outside for a good hiding administired by the kids and then the singer would be crying and admit that he is a c**t. the stuff of dreams
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
2/3/2005 3:47 PM |
Didn't realise they were hated so much. Wouldn't call them bland. They do need to get a guitarist though.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
2/3/2005 3:51 PM |
Well nice is a term that can be used for MOR bands really isn't, I mean Keane, nothing special, a bit alike a Ham and Cheese sandwich if you want - it's nice but you'd much prefer a breakfast roll yes??
karlvin New Member Posts:97  
2/3/2005 3:52 PM |
At the risk of getting flamed,
I think Keane are quite good ,
bland , perhaps ,
boring , depending on your musical taste
what's good about them...
- Singers got a great voice (regardless of musical taste).
- Different approach , no guitarist or bass player,
- Doing well in the charts and actually writing their own music , as opposed to the sh**e that usually dominates it.
- Catchy hooks , that's what a lot of good songwriting is about , doesn't matter how different / interesting / wierd you are if you can't remember the songs 20 mins after you heard them.
- not bad for a debut album (I think?)
anyway , not a huge fan of keane or anything just hate seeing people bashing stuff that because its not out on the fringe . There are so many bands/musicians that are lauded over by musical critics / press and their stuff is just climb up yer own a*se , lets be different for the sake of it and feck the idea that a song should be memorable.
my 0.02 euro
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
2/3/2005 3:53 PM |
they are orwellian in their blandness the ministry of sound has released them to give the proles some sickly melodies to hum along with to be lulled and then bang.
dope fiend New Member Posts:78  
2/3/2005 4:04 PM |
what? im singin some jim orourke to meself and its damn catchy. not people bashing band bashing this is thier art they have framed it and put it on the wall . i want to throw stones at it and see kids bash them .
roseanne barrs armpit New Member Posts:40  
2/3/2005 5:12 PM |
although familiar i am not with their sound of music, im sure they are a whole new level of crap. i just reckon fromm the name and all being so bland as to make cracker seem exciting. i am not familiar with their music but i do know its s**te. a friend told me
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
2/3/2005 5:30 PM |
i like em cos they're different and they seem to be causing much more upset here than some bands who have tried to get people upset have (the darkness writing a song about public lice didnt really get headlines!)
imagine, these days cradle of filth and marlyn manson(both DREADFUL bands aside from mansnos early stuff before he became a visual artist and overall big eejit) actually cause less upset than a figgin gilry suonding pack of public school boys! whats the world coming to!
Carlsberg Basic Member Posts:215  
2/4/2005 6:25 PM |
quote: Originally posted by roseanne barrs armpit
i am not familiar with their music but i do know its s**te. a friend told me
Surely you cant even get into the debate if you have not listened to the music. "I never heard them but they are crap" is effectively what your saying!!?? Amazing. Fact remain's is that Keane have sold records by the truck load & that over one million people bought them, it kind of puts the word "crap" into the minority opinion.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
2/5/2005 11:52 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Carlsberg
...Fact remain's is that Keane have sold records by the truck load & that over one million people bought them, it kind of puts the word "crap" into the minority opinion.
So the fact that Vincent Van Gogh never sold a painting in his lifetime would then make him crap in your esteemed opinion ?
Since Keane have sold 'millions of records' (the Louis Walsh Waiver) that makes them good does it ? Daniel O'Donnell has also sold millions of records, do you like him as well ?
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
2/5/2005 3:36 PM |
Ah Rev you cant even go there man thats way off line with regards to this debate & am surprised you even went there!
Firstly, VVG paintings dont cost 19:99 to buy or come discounted in Tesco with a chart price of 14:99, secondly, VVG produced over 750 oil paintings excluding drawings and though not confirmed, people say he sold ONE painting, the rest were traded, Keane will make maybe 4 albums in their career. The fact that a VVG work of art sold for over 80 million suggets to me that he is good, desired, appreciated & that was never in doubt. I would also agree however that selling over a million records suggests popular opinion rests with the band in question, particulary when the act in question is an Indie Act. I like Keane, nothing particularly original at all but I like them. Next!?
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
2/5/2005 3:37 PM |
and with regard to daniel o'donnell.... more power to the man if he sells records to Hor*y housewives!! Thats genius!