Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
1/27/2005 12:41 PM |
Is it possible to play an iPod/shuffle/mini/ or any mp3 player for that matter through a hi-fi system (that has no tape deck) Cause I know you can buy a cassette contraption that allows u to play it through ur car radio.
Trigger New Member Posts:61  
1/27/2005 12:43 PM |
If the hi fi system has a line in / aux input ya should have no probs....look at the back for a little jack input?
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
1/27/2005 12:44 PM |
Then what do i plug into it?
Trigger New Member Posts:61  
1/27/2005 12:50 PM |
Well basically what you have is your line out from your mp3 player to the AUx input and select AUX as you would if you were selecting "cd player" or "tuner" , turn on your mp3 player an off ya go sweet sweet sounds
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
1/27/2005 12:58 PM |
do i need to buy this 'line out' somewhere??
sorry....i'm useless!!!!!!
Trigger New Member Posts:61  
1/27/2005 1:15 PM |
Yeah you need to go to say a dixons or something .....and get what is essentially a double ended headphone line.....check to see if the input of your hi fi is a quarter inch input before you go cause you might need to buy the adapter ( A euro or somethin dead cheap) usually get a quarter inch adapter with headphones so you may already have one....yeah know , its the bit you stick on to normal headphone so you can use your headphones on your hi fi?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/27/2005 1:40 PM |
Before you head off to dixons, check what your "line in" input looks like. It may also be called "video" or "aux" and may be at the front or rear of your stereo. The input may not be a headphone jack input, it can also be in the form of phono inputs, which have seperate inputs for left and right, either coloured red and black or red and white. In this case you will need a cable with a stereo headphone style jack (assuming your iPod offers stereo rather than mono line out) on one end and phono leads on the other.
If you don't have a "line in", "video" or "aux" input on your stereo, you can get a device called an iTrip that allows you to listen to your iPod via an FM radio, but its about 27 euro:
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
1/27/2005 1:46 PM |
Right first thing i'll do is check out the 'in/aux' on the stereo. Cheers for that.
I'm presuming its the same deal with an iBook laptop. If i wanna play my iTunes through the stereo it'd be the same thing, yeah?
Or can u hook up an ibook directly to speakers?? That'd be cool!!!!
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/27/2005 2:17 PM |
Yep, pretty much the same with an iBook and your stereo.
You can hook up an ibook directly to a set of speakers, but they must be powered speakers, which basically means that they also have a built in amp. They also should be magnetically shielded if you intend on placing them next your laptop. Computers tend not to like large powerful magnetic fields! Basically, the safest bet is those PC sepakers you can pick up in any PC shop or sites like The range from cheap and tinny rubbish like the ones that often come bundled with your average to Dell right up to elaborate 5.1 surround speakers with subwoofers.
Personally I connect mu PC up to my stereo, but just keep the speakers about 2 metres away from the PC.
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
1/27/2005 3:55 PM |
it depends on your stereo setup....
but you will probably need a lead with a normal stereo jack on one end and a Phono connection (Red & White) on the other
you'll get them in maplin
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
1/28/2005 8:12 AM |
Thanks for the info...I'm a bit confused...but I'll take it step by step!!!!