1/20/2005 4:58 PM |
I hear a lot of good things about Mainline. Are they really that good? Any opinions on whether or not they'll be the next big thing?
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
1/20/2005 5:41 PM |
quote: Originally posted by vinny
I hear a lot of good things about Mainline. Are they really that good? Any opinions on whether or not they'll be the next big thing?
i finally heard them the other night and was unimpressed. nothing extraordinary or standoutish about them, just more Black Rebel Motorcycle Club leather jacket rock
they will get loads of UK press and attention because the label they are releasing on (Loog) is A&Red by NME features ed James Oldham.
This year's Thrills, anyone?
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
1/20/2005 5:57 PM |
They'll hardly blow up like the thrills will they? I can't imagine Ray Darcy playing them on Today FM. I reckon It could be a good year for the Chalets. Although unfortunately they might have to move to London first.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/20/2005 7:17 PM |
Please let the Chalets move to London; or better yet, Mars
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
1/20/2005 8:45 PM |
Yeah, saw The Chalets on some Norn Iron music programme a while back..they were depressingly awful. Mars is not far enough away for those chancers..how about Titan?
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/21/2005 12:08 AM |
The Chalets made the cover of totally dublin recently enough, i saw them in Galway an was not impressed, regarding mainline I have only heard material, i think its good for what it is but would not call myself a fan at all and cant see myself being one in the distant future either. I believe there are three or four much better bands in dublin right now then these two here. As Vinny started on Mainline lets keep his post in tact so. Vinny, they are good but I cant see it happening on a grand scale myself. Just me thoughts. see them in eamonn dorans this sat i think.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
1/21/2005 9:56 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
Please let the Chalets move to London; or better yet, Mars
RESPECT! do u want to start a fund to help them on their way? Bunch of smug chinless bedwetters. I *HATE* the chalets with the kind of passion i usually reserve for politicians
1/21/2005 10:12 AM |
Vinny i have seen mainline play loads of times and i think they are good and worth checking out. They only have two songs on their website and i dont think you can judge them just by that. Go see them live and you will know what i mean.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/21/2005 1:05 PM |
what is the website out of interest? i've never heard them...
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/21/2005 1:33 PM |
They are doing a single launch in Crawdaddy on Feb 4th so maybe anyone is unsure or curious about them could go along to that gig.
1/21/2005 2:17 PM |
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/21/2005 3:15 PM |
workin a few boards for em vincenzo ;)
1/21/2005 3:34 PM |
no, not at all why? just interested to here some opinions, def no promoting.havnt even seen them play..
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/21/2005 3:42 PM |
only messin with ya....
checked out their site, like the songs, very BRMC sound, big guitars lotsa reverb, nice.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
1/21/2005 4:36 PM |
as i said before, so far they haven't impressed me live. they seem to have got their image sorted though, i'll have to check them out on record.
a lot of bands i like are crap live but amazing on record. which is always a disapointment, but anyways...
ishrink Basic Member Posts:195  
1/23/2005 7:38 PM |
is i just me or is that where ghosts meet is just a slowed down version of u2's i will follow?