mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/18/2005 6:43 PM |
they're everywhere.
any opinions on them?
just hype or have they substance?
love their song blue light. its beautiful.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/18/2005 6:52 PM |
I thought maybe it was just hype but after seeing them last, I'm convinced just how good they are. Expect to see a live review of the gig soon enough. Quality band...
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
1/19/2005 5:24 AM |
I hope they have a really successful year. In indie circles I wouldn't be surprised if they became as popular as say The Rapture or Yeah Yeah Yeahs or even Interpol. But I can't imagine them crossing over to mainstream audiences in the same way as Franz Ferdinand or the Killers, well, not with their debut album any way. I actually went to see them on Monday night. Despite not been able to get a ticket for their Whelan’s gig I still travelled up from Galway thinking that I'd have no problem scalping one outside the venue. But after an hour of pacing up and down wicklow street and harassing everyone in sight I realised that nobody had spare tickets to sell, not even the touts. Thankfully though I bumped into the band outside Solas and the lead singer Kele gave me his Access All Areas pass and I blagged my way in with that. I really enjoyed the gig although I'm not sure if their new material is as catchy as their previous singles. But then again it's hard to judge after only hearing them once. I just hope that they don't take a note out of the killers book and just re-release all their singles from the previous year. Anyway they're lovely lads, they sound great live and they've got some cracking tunes so I wish them all the best. I think they deserve all the hype they're attracting and I'll be buying their album as soon as it comes out.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/19/2005 9:13 AM |
Saw them supporting Kings of Leon and thought they were cack. Actaully...the drummer was good..the rest of it was painful..as for the lyrics? ...
"You'll find it hiding in shadows
You'll find it hiding in cupboards
It will walk you home safe every night
It will help you remember
If that's way it is
Then that's the way it is"
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
1/19/2005 10:59 AM |
have yet to hear their stuff....
It does sound like the NME Hype machine has gotten it's hand on them.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/19/2005 11:36 AM |
as a matter of interest, where did bloc party support the kings
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/19/2005 11:52 AM |
In the Cigale in Paris. Without meaning to be too over the top about it - it was one of the only times that I've been on the verge of leaving a gig because I disliked a band so much. I went not knowing much about them...and had no preconceptions. They were the support act so I was expecting to just see a band I hadn't seen before and nothing more, but they gave me the fear. I just don't get it at all. Think the singer is an absolute *insert expletive* and while I'm sure they are 'lovely guys' I found them to be completely up there own arses and the music to be thinly disguised s**te.
Rant. Over.
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
1/19/2005 12:05 PM |
Ah c'mon their not that bad! Although i do cringe for that 'he doesn't like chocolate' lyric in helicopter, appallin! decent enough tune though in my humble opinion
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
1/19/2005 12:17 PM |
I saw them them playing a few tracks live on VH1 or Mtv or something a while ago and have to say I saw nothing exciting or original about them. Certainly nothing to write home about. And now it turns out they're being floated by some quaters as a bright hope for the future of mewzak? Hmmmm. I'm not so sure.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/19/2005 12:20 PM |
I'd disagree with earlier comments. While I haven't seen any of their videos nor did I see them support Kings Of Leon. But I did see them in Whelan's on Monday night and they rocked the venue. Some tracks could do with a little added spice but overall, they were very impressive and performed one of the best gigs in Whelan's that I have been to. Looking forward to their album now.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
1/19/2005 2:32 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mick
they're everywhere.
any opinions on them?
just hype or have they substance?
love their song blue light. its beautiful.
If you like their song Blue Light does it matter whether it is hype or substance?
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/19/2005 2:41 PM |
well its the only song i've heard...
anyway i think its an interesting topic, alot of bands these days start as a huge hype rollercoaster, interesting to see peoples opinions on it. half the people at that whelans gig were surely there just on the hype as bloc party havent even released an album yet and i doubt many folk have their singles.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
1/19/2005 3:07 PM |
That may very well be the case. But I don't believe that hype is the same thing as media coverage/publicity. Hype means exaggerated publicity. I don't think thats happening here. I think its word of mouth. Lots of people who have heard them like them, you even said it yourself that you liked Blue Light - therefore people want to check them out when their mates say that are good. They want to be the first to be there when it happens, see them when they are small.
1/19/2005 3:09 PM |
it struck me as a bit arrogant when kele said on monday night that they "expect to be in for a busy year". nothing's for certain lads. the nme golden handcuffs/kiss of death treatment has claimed many 'next big things' in recent years. it has equally launched bands into orbit. look at the libertines vs. franz ferdinand.
that said excellent gig. tight as flip. especially on banquet. could've done without seein the drummers scrawny body though.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
1/19/2005 3:13 PM |
They've certainly got us talking!
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/19/2005 3:27 PM |
nah i do think that huge media coverage is hype. its not as if the bands label didnt pay for all the press. thats why pr folk have jobs. they're in every magazine and every paper and the pr folk are doing a fantastic job.
i do agree however about the word of mouth thing and people wanting to see them before they're huge or whatever, but i think in this case the word of mouth thing has cropped up over night via the hype.
quote: Originally posted by bonzo
That may very well be the case. But I don't believe that hype is the same thing as media coverage/publicity. Hype means exaggerated publicity. I don't think thats happening here. I think its word of mouth. Lots of people who have heard them like them, you even said it yourself that you liked Blue Light - therefore people want to check them out when their mates say that are good. They want to be the first to be there when it happens, see them when they are small.
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
1/19/2005 6:04 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mick
i think in this case the word of mouth thing has cropped up over night via the hype.
How could "the word of mouth thing" have cropped up over night when they released four singles last year alone? I can remember scavaging through record shops for a copy of She's Hearing Voices as far back as last february.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/19/2005 6:08 PM |
Where are all these singles exactly?
Alot of people at the gig knew the lyrics to many of their songs. Maybe the album was leaked online.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
1/19/2005 6:21 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mick
they're everywhere.
any opinions on them?
just hype or have they substance?
love their song blue light. its beautiful.
To answer the original question then it seems like it is "substance" as a lot of people like them.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
1/19/2005 8:05 PM |
gar was leaked online alright, i've just downloaded a few songs off it, very good i'm glad to report.