flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/14/2005 1:08 AM |
Right so, first post for me. And its this. Got Hot press today as usual. Regarding the bands they tipped for 2005, what do people think. Here is the list as they appear in the issue for those who have not seen it. Some bands missing i thought would be there like Cortinaz79 & 66e, some i have not heard of and some i don't like.
Marshall Stars
Fighting with Wire
Sweet T
The Chapters
Angels of Mons
The Immediate
The Blizzards
Claire Sproule
Red Organ Serpent Sound
What do people think? Gar, would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this one. And any regular gig reviewers. Who has it there and who does'nt?
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
1/14/2005 1:35 AM |
quote: Originally posted by flipperstired
Right so, first post for me. And its this. Got Hot press today as usual. Regarding the bands they tipped for 2005, what do people think. Here is the list as they appear in the issue for those who have not seen it. Some bands missing i thought would be there like Cortinaz79 & 66e, some i have not heard of and some i don't like.
Marshall Stars
Fighting with Wire
Sweet T
The Chapters
Angels of Mons
The Immediate
The Blizzards
Claire Sproule
Red Organ Serpent Sound
What do people think? Gar, would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this one. And any regular gig reviewers. Who has it there and who does'nt?
you really have to love hotpress eh ! giving us a lowdown on the all the acts to watch for 2005 ! The same Hotpress who never give these bands a look in in their live reviews ( all their reviewers busy ligging it up at Geary, Mundy or Frames gigs!), the same hotpress who gave the Hard Working Class Heroes festival literally 2 sentances of print coverage, quite astounding considering it was probaly the biggest major live music event of the year in Dublin and considering too the amount of great bands/performances that I witnessed or have been told about that weekend ! Hotpress ? blah ! anyway different argument I suppose.
I have seen great gigs by Jove and Mainline this year that would suggest to me great things may be in the offing from them !
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/14/2005 2:01 AM |
your so right man. I never actually thought of it that way. Maybe thats one of the reasons why we are so stuck in this constant mini circle of the same names coming up again and again! Different argument but one I will bring back to the board again for sure. Thanks for the tip on jove, seen mainline and am going to see jove in the olympia.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/14/2005 8:44 AM |
In fairness, if peoples memory stretches back far enough, say pre "for the birds", the frames had awful hassle getting a mention in hotpress. I gave up buying hotpress for a year at one stage, so disgusted was i at their lack of coverage of the frames and other irish bands. I eventually went back to reading it, however now, ive given up again, because its a pile of rubbish
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/14/2005 8:51 AM |
Yeah, I bought Hotpress yesterday and saw that list. I was actually surprised that Mainline were tipped to be the biggest. Last year they tippped Republic Of Loose to break through, which they did.
I'd mark down these bands that they didn't mention:
Texas Galaxy
The Rags
Of the one's they did mention, I would agree with Jove, The Chapters. I'm going to check out Marshall Stars tonight.
Singer/songwriters to watch out for:
Martin Finke
Bill Coleman
Colm Lynch
Nina Hynes
Brendan O'Shea
Fionn Regan
Ciara Allen
It could well be a good early part of the year for Irish music.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
1/14/2005 9:15 AM |
I havent bought HP regularly in about 3yrs. I buy the odd issue here n there if something grabs my attention.
I never liked the Op Ed in it, & theres a lot of regular columns that I skiped past. I read it for the music.
The reason I stopped buying it, was when it stopped being a Rock Magazine & started to engulf all aspects of the Irish Music Scene, trying to be all things to all men, resulting in the dilution of what I was buying it for.
Stuff like Westlife & Sam Mumba making the front cover got my gander up.
BUT, its selling more than ever. Its just not for me. I use sites likes this, opinion, debate & gig lists up to date.
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/14/2005 10:24 AM |
am away tonight hence would go see marshall stars otherwise, i don't get the whole mainline thing, i saw them but i did'nt see anything amazing to be honest. Would like to see the Chapters.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
1/14/2005 10:41 AM |
Aren't Bloc Party the flavour of the month?
Trigger New Member Posts:61  
1/14/2005 11:49 AM |
Mike Got Spiked (Album in March, a band in a hurry goin places)
Texas Galaxy ( Going on the few bits Ivce heard recorded)
Jove (Yeah agree with that saw them a bit back thoughht they were catchy not my thing though)
Apollo Creed (Funktastic, again based on recorded stuff)
Me In the Park ( Could this finally be the year, I bloody well hope so)
Obsolete (A return of the lads from Mullingar, great band hopefully the get a decent bit of coverage)
79 Cortinaz (Great stuff)
Polar ( Its only a matter of time really for these lads)
Murder of Crows (really developed in the last year)
Regarding the hotpress comment above, couldnt agree more.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
1/14/2005 11:53 AM |
What does making it constitute as a matter of interest?
AL_ETHOS New Member Posts:6  
1/14/2005 1:58 PM |
Id love to see the redneck manifesto do well in 2005.
Also Mark 2 will be releasing an album at some stage and I think all will go well for them.
I would also love to see another album from Republic of loose and oasis have a long awaited album in the next few months.
Also I think 2005 will be a brilliant year for the killers and the Zutons.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/14/2005 5:05 PM |
The Redneck Manifesto had a decent year last year I thought. Of course they could be more well known and should take themselves abroad, play a few festivals. But I can't really see them doing too much this year, maybe more in the summer. As far as I know, Republic Of Loose will be back in the studio soon enough. Mike Got Spiked are ok, Me In The Park are ok, Polar are ok, Murder Of Crows are ok.....there is a need for some bands that really stand out. I think that they will shine through over the next few months and hopefully get invited to play Oxegen.
About Hotpress, I read it every two weeks. Basically because I'm used to it and most of the writers in it. I skip through all the first few pages and usually concentrate on the reviews and features. Tayna Sweeny is quite good, Phil Udell and Colm O'Hare are ok as is John Walshe. I like some of Olaf's interviews but his writing along with Peter Murphy and Niall Stokes is very sketchy and up its own arse. I wouldn't call Hotpress a rag but its layout and content is in dire straits lately.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/14/2005 7:50 PM |
I'd go along with the Chapters, they've got some really good songs but I think their weaker stuff is just that, a little weak. Still, good singer, and they've impressed me the couple of times that I've seen them.
I think Lucas from Galway are a really great band, debut album out this year. Their gig in Whelans the night the leaving results came out was one of my top 13 of the year, and no that doesn't mean it was 13th, I just like baker's dozens.
1/16/2005 5:14 PM |
Thanks so much flipperstired and gar. Don't worry you'll definetly be hearing a lot more from us this year, starting with our album launch on 28th Jan in Whelan's. It's called 'Fall down seven times, stand up eight'. Come on down!
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
1/16/2005 9:32 PM |
you really have to love hotpress eh ...Hotpress ? blah ! anyway different argument I suppose.
having seen some right tripe (being performed by some good musicians in fairness) at HWCHs I reckon it may be a quality control issue. Once ROL proved themselves, they got pretty good coverage in the HP. In fairness, if HP lauded every band that came accross as sounding like they've paid attention to mtv2 for the previous 6 months, I would stop buying the thing. Think about it.
Stokes does need a kick up the h*le to bring him back to the rest of us though! He's opinionated, thats his generations thing I suppose, is it?
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
1/17/2005 10:15 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Eoin
the same hotpress who gave the Hard Working Class Heroes festival literally 2 sentances of print coverage, quite astounding considering it was probaly the biggest major live music event of the year in Dublin and considering too the amount of great bands/performances that I witnessed or have been told about that weekend !
It did give away 2 compelation cds of the bands involved, in conjuction with the first HWCH.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/17/2005 10:47 AM |
Another tip for 2005 that I forgot to mention. I was shuffling about some tunes on my ipod this morning and came across a song which reminded me just how talented the artist was. It was Jules Jackson.
Here's a review of his Ep:
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
1/17/2005 11:49 AM |
there's lots of average bands in dublin who could be amazing.
i'm looking forward to hearing the next one to stand out...
no band at the moment interest me, and unfortunatly i've learnt the word of posters on an internet board can't always be trusted!
i saw mainline play before, three times, and i can't remember anything of their music. they have a strong image and the NME will probably love them, but y'know, i'll judge them when they have a release out....
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/17/2005 11:51 AM |
Kierry, that all depends on whose judgement you trust.....
1/18/2005 3:33 PM |
the 79Cortinaz (or is it Cortinaz79) are playing in a gigsmart gig with Apollo and few others in the TBMC on Feb 2nd