klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/11/2005 9:41 AM |
I bought the Futureheads album a while back and gave it a couple of listens. I bought it on recommendation from a magazine and to be honest, i tried hard to listen to it but i just couldnt get into it.
Then i started listening to the best of the cure a lot. Now the futureheads album has rally began to grow on me, so much so that im recommending it to mates. But i was full sure it was going to be a dust gatherer.
Had a similar experience with the streets first album. In this case i partially just didnt want to like the album, whereas now, its quality in my opinion.
Anyone else with more examples. What album have you had to work hard at to really appreciate or fought hard at not to like
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
1/11/2005 9:58 AM |
Have to say that I have never had that experience. I have to really like at least one song on an album in order to give it a go long term.
Records that don't grab me in some way immediately stay ungrabbed.
But hey, i-tunes does away with albums anyway.
Have to say I part company with you about the Streets. It was incompetent, dull, amateur 'geezer' nonsense when I first heard it the week of release and it still is. If it wasn't for Rosenstock's 'Dry Your Eyes Becks', he'd be nuffin' mate.
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
1/11/2005 10:21 AM |
I'd be similar to the Rev on this.
Unless something grabs my attention from the start, chances are the album will gather dust.
Probably impatience on my part, but there is so much music to be heard I give little attention to something that does not grab me straight away
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
1/11/2005 11:53 AM |
Paul Simon's last album is a grower, and I can think of a few more, Leonard Cohen's "ten new songs", so I gotta go with Klootfan here. Sometimes an album can be regarded in the same manner as a book, it might take a while to get into what is being put accross. In fairness though this has generally only applied to albums by artists of great merit (Paul Simon, Leonard Cohen, plenty merit there I think!) whom I know are worth persisting with. So unproven artists will have to have something to keep me into the album.
iTunes, man I dont have an mp3 player, and dont have the cash for or the temprement to figure out how to use one either, are cd's the hardback version of albums?! I must a 25 year old old fogey!
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
1/11/2005 12:01 PM |
took ages to get into jeff buckley, interpol, bloc party, the cure and the smiths.
all had been recommended to me and i had to keep going back to the albums to get to like them
usually it takes just one song to kinda -click- then, thats it!
bloc party album is fairly fantastic, except for the next single 'here we are now' which is complete crap, and i can't believe they're releasing it...
jeff buckley and the cure are now two of my favourite bands now too....
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/11/2005 12:23 PM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
I bought the Futureheads album a while back and gave it a couple of listens. I bought it on recommendation from a magazine and to be honest, i tried hard to listen to it but i just couldnt get into it.
If the Futureheads managed to grow on you, then its probably worth checking out some albums by Wire, who will probably also take ages to grow on you.
I found Marquee Moon by Television a bit of a grower, when I heard it first I thought it was pretty good, but after a few listens I thought it was absolutely incredible!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
1/11/2005 12:48 PM |
Bloody hell! Wire? Straight outta leftfield with that one Binokular. Top band but some very difficult albums to get into. I'm still greatly enthralled with Pink Flag after all these years.
As aluded toearlier in this thread, the iPod has completely changed my listening paterns. If I can't get into an album, I tend not to to persist with it. Of course the reverse is also true - with the randomise function, it takes you to tracks on long lost albums which you end up re-visiting. Last one I found like this was the Johanne Newsome album, whose vocals I found impenetrable at first.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/11/2005 1:58 PM |
I'm much more of an album person. While I applaud the itunes music store (and visit it frequently, although the Irish store is kinda baron at the moment), I wouldn't be just into buying one tune. I go full out and try to discover what else the artist has to offer on their album. I buy so much music, that I'm always broke, but albums only get a certain amount of attention. If it is promising I will give it more time, but after two or three listens it will just sit idle on the racks.
The latest in the long line of 'grower' albums are:
Tom Waits 'Real Gone'
Joanna Newsom 'The Milk-Eyed Mender'
Brian Wilson 'Smile'
Interpol 'Antics'
Elliott Smith 'From A Basement On The Hill'
Finn Brothers 'Everyone Is Here'
Modest Mouse 'Good News For People Who Love Bad News'
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
1/11/2005 3:15 PM |
Joanna Newsom ! Ok, is she the one who sings 'The Book of Right-On' ?
What is the album like ? Saw her on 'Later' and can't decide whether she is an idiot or a genius.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
1/11/2005 3:20 PM |
Yep, that's her. The one with the harp on Jools Holland. A very odd melodic songstress. When I first heard the album, I turned it off after the second track as I thought it was taking the piss. At first she sounds like the girl that does Annie but with more time given to the album, superb lyrics are spun around tender hooks and vocals that grow on you. I'd recommend that you get a lend of her album instead of buying it and not liking it. I'll happily burn ya a copy of it.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/11/2005 5:03 PM |
Im with Gar on the whole iTunes thing. I just couldnt see myself buying individual tracks. Its all or nothing for me.
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
1/11/2005 5:15 PM |
quote: Originally posted by klootfan
Im with Gar on the whole iTunes thing. I just couldnt see myself buying individual tracks. Its all or nothing for me.
me three on that point
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/11/2005 6:40 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Rev Jules
Joanna Newsom ! Ok, is she the one who sings 'The Book of Right-On' ?
What is the album like ? Saw her on 'Later' and can't decide whether she is an idiot or a genius.
It's the second one IMO, friend of mine sent me one of her songs over IM, it took me 5 listens to like it. I bought the album and loved it, my number 10 album of last year.
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
1/11/2005 8:05 PM |
Am anti i-pod i-tune i-pee-freely whatever.... always want the good feeling of going in to buy the record!! Now people, dont know how they got away with it, nor how they are becoming as big as they are but "thirteen senses" debut album last year released on Mercury Reocrds,(into the fire i think its called i declared as my album of the year alongside the Killers/Interpol but i just gave it to the senses. Funny cos I hated it when i first heard it now its on constant play.. also Jimmy Eat World's second album "futures" was a non entity when i first heard it and now i love it. Give the senses a listen though... really beautiful..and the last track "automatic"....omg!!!!
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
1/13/2005 9:31 AM |
Lemonjellys 'Lost Horizons' grew on me big time, at first i thought it was complete and utter b****x with its cartoony sound, i dont even know why i kept givin it another chance but i'm glad i did now, its a little psychedelic gem of a record, thinkin bout gettin their new one now
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
1/13/2005 1:03 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mutch
me three on that point
Me Four. I can understand people using it as a tool to check out bands, similar to label promos or cds mounted on magazines, before buying a whole album.
But the vast majority of iTune users, as I see it, use iTunes as one Big Huge 'Now Thats What I Call Music' !
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
1/14/2005 3:30 PM |
Have to chip in with my two cents. I think the Joanna Newsom album is amazing and it's definitely in my Top 10 for 2004. First listen was bizarre as i'd heard nothing like it before. Each subsequent listen has revealed more musical twists and turns and i couldn't imagine her singing the songs in any voice other than her own. Fans of Bjork and Stina Nordenstan shouldn't be unduly freaked out by it. Anyway, it's sublime stuff. Just beautiful! Saw her perform at The Sugar Club in November (i think) and she was just as beguiling in the flesh! Even more so considering she's also a stone cold fox :-]
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
1/14/2005 7:34 PM |
You lucky bastard, I bought the album about 2 weeks after that gig and was raging that I missed it.
nonemoreblack New Member Posts:21  
1/17/2005 1:54 AM |
Deus "worst case scenario" and "in a bar under the sea"
two of my favourite albums of all time and they're still growing on me..<s**t i didn't mean to start sounding like the Darkness there.>
Fugazi "In on the kill taker" still a great album ten years later.
and of course the little ditty mentioned on my tag line.