caps lock New Member Posts:35  
1/5/2005 4:20 PM |
Hey y'all,
Just wondering if anyone has any idea when she'll be playing next?Had intended to go check her out this month but the gigs have been cancelled-I think she's in studio but just thought I'd ask on the off chance..
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
1/6/2005 3:06 PM |
judging by the readers poll, i'm probably alone in this - but isnt cathy davey the most over-rated performer to emerge from here in quite some time?
Slings and arrows will follow i know but i'm interested to see if anyone agrees
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
1/7/2005 9:18 AM |
I haven't got the album yet, but from what I've heard from Cathy Davey I've liked. Her music is original and she has a unique voice, I don't think shes over rated.
boywonder New Member Posts:19  
1/7/2005 10:40 AM |
Judging by the readers poll, it appears that I am probably alone in this - but aren't The Frames the most over-rated act ever? Cathy Davey is well worth checking out I reckon. Nice to hear something interesting and a little different.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
1/7/2005 1:40 PM |
'Frames over-rated?' .... This topic raises its ugly head yet again on the Cluas forum! I think it can be concluded that the frames have a love/hate relationship. If they're not your cup of tea then fair enough but do give their albums a good listen before making up your mind. I would also suggest going to one of their gigs. Personnally I think they're completely under rated globally, I can't understand how they are not famous across Europe and particularly in the states..... oh and Japan. Their latest album 'burn the maps' is fantastic.
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
1/10/2005 1:25 PM |
cathy davey rocks.
who are the frames?