aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
12/20/2004 2:07 PM |
might as well start the argument proper: name ONE album which for you is the best album of 2004. not a list of a dozen or so - you have to choose: if put to the pin of your collar what's your ONE favourite album of 2004?
for me, it's the scissor sisters album - fabulous singles, music to enjoy and have fun with/to.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
12/20/2004 2:15 PM |
There have been a lot of good albums, but if i was to pick one that ive listened to more often then most this year, it would probably have to be The killers album
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
12/20/2004 2:27 PM |
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb - it actually is the bomb!!!
admin Basic Member Posts:399  
12/20/2004 2:53 PM |
The Shins "Chutes too narrow" (technically a 2003 record - it was released Stateside in Oct 2003 - but was only released in Europe in April 2004 or so).
Other best albuims of the year: The Blue Nile's "High" and Modest Mouse's "Good News For People Who Love Bad News".
My wish for 2005? That all of these 3 acts go on tour. That would be just perfectly rich.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
12/20/2004 3:02 PM |
Think when it comes to the crunch it would have to be Interpol's 'Antics'....can't turn it off!
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
12/20/2004 3:30 PM |
Surprised that anyone mentioned The Shins 'Chutes Too Narrow', I think this is a great album. Other nominees for me would be: Declan O'Rourke 'Since Kyabram', Republic Of Loose 'This Is The Tomb Of The Juice', Hope Of The States 'The Lost Riots', Kings Of Leon 'Aha Shake Heartbreak'.
But I'm with Bonzo with declaring the new U2 album as my best album of 2004.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
12/20/2004 5:07 PM |
"Chutes too narrow" is my #3 of the year. My #1 is Sufjan Stevens - "Greetings from Michigan the great lakes state" which was released in the states last year the same way that The shins was, so if you want to disqualiy that then I'd say TV on the Radio - "Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes"
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
12/20/2004 5:59 PM |
Methinks Nick Cave agus na Bad Seeds: Abattoir Blues/Lyre of Orpheus
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
12/20/2004 10:29 PM |
Josh Turner - Long Black Train
You can't get it here in Ireland but its worth buying online.
Best Irish release of 2004 was
Clive Barnes - Goldtooth Cinnamon.
Wonderfull stuff
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
12/21/2004 9:12 AM |
Really liked - Lambchop - Awcom'n/noyoucom'n
The_Thin_Man Basic Member Posts:137  
12/21/2004 9:57 AM |
With Eric on the Lambchop choice...their releases are always quite singular and unique, and AwC'mon is one of their better ones.
mcgyver New Member Posts:29  
12/21/2004 10:00 AM |
Sufjan Stevens -"Greetings from Michigan...." -top drawer..
12/21/2004 1:16 PM |
Goto call Klootfan, for pure pop perfection, it had to be the Killers.
The Loose would run them danm close in my book.
QsySue Basic Member Posts:119  
12/21/2004 8:10 PM |
Sun Kil Moon - Ghosts of the Great Highway
12/22/2004 9:56 AM |
I WAS going to behave and only post one, but since other people got away with more I'll offer up my top 5:
1) Kings of Convenience - Riot on an Empty Street
2) Elliott Smith - From a Basement on a Hill
3) cLOUDDEAD - Ten (US only thus far)
4) The Streets - A Grand Don't Come For Free (I don't care how much hate I get for picking this. It's great.)
5) Arcade Fire - Funeral (US only thus far I think, but SO worth tracking down...( if you want to preview it. I'd say start with "Wake up" )...
BIG HEAD-NOD OF AGREEMENT to Eric for the Lambchop pick. Easily my sleeper hit of the year...
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
12/22/2004 10:03 AM |
Right I'm gonna stick with just the one:
Ah I can't do it.......
Air - Talkie Walkie
Badly Drawn Boy - One Plus One Is One
Beta Band - Heroes to Zeroes
12/22/2004 12:26 PM |
nic armstrongs long player 'the greatest white liar' on the one little indian label.
brilliant stuff altogether!!!
have yet to hear the shins albums although i did see 'em at oxygen and i thought they were excellent - deadly backing must go out and buy cause of all your recommendations!!!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
12/22/2004 12:59 PM |
quote: Originally posted by qorian
5) Arcade Fire - Funeral (US only thus far I think, but SO worth tracking down...( if you want to preview it. I'd say start with "Wake up" )...
The pitchfork furore got my interest in this and then I heard bits of it at a housewarming party a couple of weeks ago, it sounds really good, the nice people at road records are getting it in for me.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
12/22/2004 1:19 PM |
favourite album of the year:
Interpol - Antics.
gets better with every listen, i was disappointed at first, but its really shone, so it has.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
12/22/2004 5:22 PM |
Can't believeeeee I forgot Walkie Talkie...I went to feckin' Paris to see the fecker's tour d bleedin' I stand corrected.