12/14/2004 6:04 PM |
this not really groundbreak city or anything, but hey.#
optimus? do you live in manchester?
i didn't know that.
there is a post in the musicsinas for sale section where someone called optimus is trying to put together a band in manchester area. is it you?
if you live there, how'd you become such a regular here?
don't mean to be nosey. enquiring minds want to know.
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/15/2004 8:37 AM |
I'm 100% irish actually. Was born and bred on the "mean" streets of Dublin and when I turned 21, I betrayed and left because I was fed up of the "fair" city.
I've been living in Horwich outside of Manchester for about 3 years now.
When I lived in Dublin, I used to frequent this site under a different screen name.
Now that I'm back on the net, I'm sticking with the sites I know best.
Anything else you'd like to know?
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
12/15/2004 11:00 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Optimus
I'm 100% irish actually. Was born and bred on the "mean" streets of Dublin and when I turned 21, I betrayed and left because I was fed up of the "fair" city.
I've been living in Horwich outside of Manchester for about 3 years now.
When I lived in Dublin, I used to frequent this site under a different screen name.
Now that I'm back on the net, I'm sticking with the sites I know best.
Anything else you'd like to know?
What's the capital of Azerbaijan ?
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/15/2004 11:24 AM |
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/15/2004 11:37 AM |
Where do baby Autobots come from?
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
12/15/2004 11:44 AM |
How DO they get the figs into Jacobs fig rolls?
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/15/2004 11:56 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
Where do baby Autobots come from?
Taking the piss now.
Baby autobots are built by Alpha Trion and then brought to Vector Sigma so that they can be processed and given a suitable personality.
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/15/2004 12:01 PM |
quote: Originally posted by flipperstired
How DO they get the figs into Jacobs fig rolls?
Well now. That is a question that takes me back to the winter of 19-something-or-other. I woke up as normal that day, and decided that I would have a piece of toast. I set the toaster to three-medium brown. But as per usual, the toaster opened a slip gate to the jacobs factory, where I found myself in the middle of another adventure.
As I rounded the first corner to wonkatania, I slipped into a coma briefly, as the sheer fright of a 3 ton choc-mallow frightened the be-jaysus out of me. When I did come round, a young boy called Jamie, along with his pet dog and a magic torch told me that all life was condensed to a slow vibration. That life is merely a dream and that we are all just the imagination of oursleves.
And with this knowledge, it came to me.
It doesnt matter how the figs end up in the rolls.
They're just laced with heroin which makes them so goddamn tastey.
What did ensue was a legal battle with jacobs as I suffered for many months from going cold turkey to get off them damn fig rolls.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
12/15/2004 12:22 PM |
This thread is getting really random Mr Merrion !
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
12/15/2004 12:57 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Optimus
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
Where do baby Autobots come from?
Taking the piss now.
Baby autobots are built by Alpha Trion and then brought to Vector Sigma so that they can be processed and given a suitable personality.
Then I eat them
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
12/15/2004 1:14 PM |
Thanks for that Opti!! Your right, it doesnt matter how they get them in... what matters is that you love them... we love them... and they love them!.... yes Rev Jules... me thinks its a silly season moment..
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
12/15/2004 5:59 PM |
Ah the silly season. Every body loves fig rolls. Merry Fig Roll Season everyone!
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/16/2004 8:26 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
quote: Originally posted by Optimus
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
Where do baby Autobots come from?
Taking the piss now.
Baby autobots are built by Alpha Trion and then brought to Vector Sigma so that they can be processed and given a suitable personality.
Then I eat them
Yes Yes. Yes you do. Bastard!
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/16/2004 8:28 AM |
quote: Originally posted by flipperstired
Thanks for that Opti!! Your right, it doesnt matter how they get them in... what matters is that you love them... we love them... and they love them!.... yes Rev Jules... me thinks its a silly season moment..
More than welcome my friend.
It's like a good friend of mine once said, "The have the internet on computers now?"
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
12/16/2004 1:44 PM |
Can you recommend any new/upcoming acts from Manchester?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/16/2004 2:06 PM |
Well, there was a Mancunian small band called Stiff Kittens, wonder what happened to them?
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/16/2004 2:56 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
Can you recommend any new/upcoming acts from Manchester?
No. No I cant.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
12/16/2004 2:59 PM |
Ok fair enough. It's just that I heard that Liverpool has a very healthy indie/rock scene and wondered whether Manchester was the same.
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/16/2004 3:06 PM |
it is pretty healthy. At least healthy in a slaughterhouse kinda way.
Being that bands appear and disappear about as regularly as livestock in a slaughterhouse.
But yeah, it's a big gigging town. But most of the gigs I go to are more rock/metal orientated. Things like HIM, Deftones, InMe etc...And the supports tend to be rather dreary like Cathedral and Amped.
Amped in particular were terrible. They never knew weither they were Inxs, Duran Duran or Tool.
But it's not hard to get gigs in Manchester. The musician quota is by fair the biggest thing going in the northwest. It seems almost everybody is picking up some sorta instrument.
I've been lucky enough to find a fantastic guitarist. Locating a drummer and singer is proving difficult. But actual musicians are plentiful.
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
12/17/2004 10:51 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Optimus
quote: Originally posted by Gar
Can you recommend any new/upcoming acts from Manchester?
No. No I cant.
Not exactly new but should I am Kloot not get a little mention opti!!?