spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
12/7/2004 9:54 AM |
Any of the Cluas faithful got any good scams to ensure ye get yerself a nice ground floor position in the Olympia when yer lumbered with tickets for the poxy upper circle?!
Me and me mates beeing the wasters that we are only got around to getting our tickets for Ian Brown on Thursday this morning.....c'mon surely someone knows somethin, help us beat the system!
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
12/7/2004 10:46 AM |
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
12/7/2004 12:26 PM |
Crutches aren't bad, but just hound the touts outside for a swap....
or go into Brogans (next door) with crutches on and give a big sob story about breaking your leg or something, you're bound to find a drunken monkey to swap....
Failing that you could say you have vertigo and can't go up the stairs....it's plausable
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
12/7/2004 12:37 PM |
After you go through the circle door, (eg. that door up the alley where you give your tickets), you'll come to the stairway. Just before the stairs, there's a small red door immediately to your right. Just open it and go in, obviously without any bouncer seeing you.
I used to do it all the time, but then again, the situation may have changed: I haven't been there in eight months.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
12/7/2004 12:38 PM |
On second thoughts, that was probably libellous or something...
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
12/7/2004 12:48 PM |
Although it's probably the best idea so far, although could get ya kicked out, that has been done before but you get in at the right time when theres a bit of a crowd and before the bouncers finish their pints next door
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
12/7/2004 1:03 PM |
mmmmmm, a small red door eh? i reckon i'm gonna have to give it a go, i'll just plead ignorance if i'm caught!
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
12/8/2004 11:59 AM |
What gig are ya goin to Spurt? Or did ya go to? Was at de manics last night.. super show. And if so how did you get on with your scam?
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
12/8/2004 1:14 PM |
i wish i could do scams.
anytime i'm doing anything dodgy its like i have a giant sign over my haed that says 'DOING SOMETHING DODGY'. hmmmnn...
i also generally get a face like Dougal Maguire at this point too.
flipperstired Basic Member Posts:103  
12/8/2004 2:41 PM |
actually kierry, i is the same!! its the presumption that everyone knows what you think they dont know yet they somehow know even though they could'nt possibly know! Thus causing you to give away what you know to people who dont!!