space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
12/6/2004 12:41 PM |
Hey Hey
Did anyone see what won song of the Year im curious as to what one it?
Not sure if this has been covered yet but If you could have a song or the year what would it be?
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/6/2004 12:43 PM |
It's not been a good year, well, at least not by my standards.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
12/6/2004 12:43 PM |
C'mon Opti there has to be one!!
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
12/6/2004 2:39 PM |
quote: Originally posted by space cheeks
C'mon Opti there has to be one!!
When did "Wonderboy" come out?
Oh wait, Gwen Stefani's new 'un...whatever it's called. Thats a good 'un. Good enough for me...
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
12/6/2004 2:44 PM |
Therapy? - "Die Like A Motherf**ker" or "Long Distance".
But realistically as they get no coverage, Green Day, track 2 from american idiot. forget the name. great concept, great lyrics great band.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
12/6/2004 2:54 PM |
I'm thinking the Killers Mr Brightside is cathcy as hell
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
12/6/2004 2:56 PM |
'Girl I'm Gonna f**k You Up' Republic Of Loose at least deserves a mention
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
12/6/2004 3:36 PM |
totally forgot about ROL! best band in a long long time. with you on the that choice of song Gar. I also love that or the one where he calls everyone a motherf**ker.(think i have a thing about that word?  )
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
12/6/2004 4:42 PM |
god i absolutley hate the republic of loose. worst band ever.
anyway, eh, on that note, heh...
so my fav tracks: mr brightside, take me out, eh... popwise i think that natasha bedingfield song was great when i heard it first... i normally dislike all chart pop, but y'know exceptions sexmeptions....
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
12/6/2004 4:49 PM |
quote: Originally posted by kierry
god i absolutley hate the republic of loose. worst band ever.
anyway, eh, on that note, heh...
RE ROL, they're an antidote to all the b(l)ands who seem to exist and spawn if you will from around wexford street...anything that upsets the norm in any art/sport is OK by me. no one is hurt after all!
But I think I'd love the albumn if they came from Russia or someplace else I know little about.
gotta compliment your choices for best song though Kierry. (despite hating franz ferdinand's persona, i conceed they have some good tunes.)
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
12/6/2004 6:12 PM |
song of the year: either 'take me out' by franz ferdinand or 'take your mama' by scissor sisters. two deadly singles that seemed to be played everywhere, on every shop radio and in every bar.
12/6/2004 9:43 PM |
The Bucket - Kings of Leon
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
12/7/2004 1:04 AM |
I do a column for a different site every week and I this week I'm doing a top 13 songs of 2004 list, its very much off the top of my head comprised of songs that easily came to mind so it's quite a poppy list. Next week I might do a more scientific list by going through what I actually bought this year, but this is what I came up with.
13. Scissor Sisters – Take your Mama
12. Iron and Wine – Sodom, South Georgia
11. Sufjan Stevens – Sister
10. PJ Harvey – The Letter
9. The Shins – Saint Simon
8. Hope of the states - The Red, The White, the Black, The Blue
7. Cathy Davey – Cold Man’s Nightmare
6. Franz Ferdinand – Take Me Out
5. The Killers – Mr. Brightside
4. Johnny Boy – You are the generation that bought more shoes and you get what you deserve
3. Sufjan Stevens – Romulus
2. Jeff Buckley – Forget Her
1. Modest Mouse – Float On
Honourable mentions:
Morrissey – Irish Blood, English Heart
Belle and Sebastian – Step into my office baby
Kanye West – Jesus Walks
Interpol – Slow Hands
Republic Of Loose – Girl I’m Gonna f**k You Up
The Radio - Remember Me, Remember You
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
12/7/2004 7:28 AM |
What is the site you write for?
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
12/7/2004 11:52 AM |
I write the tuesday music news column
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
12/7/2004 12:02 PM |
quote: Originally posted by aidan
'take your mama' by scissor sisters.
that song makes me want to vomit on my spandex sequinned cords.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
12/7/2004 12:40 PM |
"I Can't Get Behind That" - William Shatner/Henry Rollins. Song of the year for me, anyway.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/7/2004 1:16 PM |
My Faves this year, in no particular order would be:
"Professional Distortion" - Miss Kittin
"NY Excuse" - Soulwax (featuring James Murphy and Nancy Whang from LCD Soundsystem)
"Ladyflash" - The Go! Team
"All These Things That I’ve Done" - The Killers
"I Believe in You" - Kylie Minogue
"Paper Cut Exit" - Sonic Youth
And if we can include instrumental tracks:
"17 Years" - Ratatat
I wish I could include new single "Galvanise" by The Chemical Brothers. It's good, but I'm undecided. At the moment I think it's not up there with their best work, but maybe after a few listens..
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
12/7/2004 2:54 PM |
Just a few that have caught my attention over 2004.
'Take Me Out' - Franz Ferdinand
'Girl I'm Gonna f**k You Up' - Republic Of Loose
'Hey Juliet' - Sean Needham
'Fading Phase' - Jenny Lindfors
'Porterhouse Blues' - Stewart Agnew
'Condi, Condi' - Steve Earle
'Lucinda' - Colm Lynch
'Never Said Anything' - The Belles
'When You Get Out Of Jail' - Fried
'Grace' - Mike Errico
'Stray Dogs' - Rod Picott
'Hell Bent On You' - Roesy
'Your World' - Declan O'Rourke
'Cmon Cmon' - Von Bondies
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
12/7/2004 6:07 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
I wish I could include new single "Galvanise" by The Chemical Brothers. It's good, but I'm undecided. At the moment I think it's not up there with their best work, but maybe after a few listens..
I think if its good enough to make into the list of songs of the year, it must hit you straight away as a lasting piece of musical genius, or just something that'a a bit fun. Growers don't count (esp. not Chemical Brother, ugh)