My my where have you been for the last 4 years.
A Perfect Circle is a side project of the band Tool, or at least their lead singer and chief sound tech. Their first record, "Mers De Nom" is pretty much a tour de force of sound. It moves from angry to smooth to disjointed to heart wrenching and is a piece of goddam artwork. I'd imagine you'd be able to pick it up cheap anywhere.
The second record, which I cant think of the name of, is more mellow. It's not as dark as the first but it's still good. It's slightly, PJ Harvey/Nick Cave-ish in mood.
I think they've released a third record but I cant be sure.
It's doubtful that A Perfect Circle would play Ireland unless it was part of a festival. They're one of those cult bands that people adore and it's kinda cool to have their records in your collection. Anyway, it took Tool almost 10 years to play ireland. I'd expect the same from A Perfect Circle.