I thought it was a really balanced review and score. Remember Gar, the review did rate the album highly. 7 out of 10 is an excellent score, Mediocre albums don't (or at least shouldn't) get more than 5 0ut of 10. Eoghans obviously a huge U2 fan but that didn't cloud his judgment. Genuinely interesting to read too and held my attention despite being a bit longer than the average review. The one question it raised in my mind though is, is now a good time for U2 to split and bow out with dignity while we still remember them as a great band? Much as I'd hate to see what has become a national institution to come to an end, I can't help but feel that U2 are no longer a strong creative force. Possibly Bono is just too distracted these days?
So Eoghan, great review, does this mean you will be getting out from hiding behind that editors desk more often?