Cheers Mutch. Nice to know someone respects my musical opinion(s) and that its not just me and my ever-growing collection.
But I didn't make it along to the Steve Earle gig. A friend of mine had to be taken to hosiptal so the closet I got was listening to 'Just An American Boy' on my ipod in the waiting room. My friend is ok but that's Dr. John and now Steve Earle I've both missed this year
About Steve Earle being the modern age political lyricist, good point. Obviously Dylan was the big one, after Woody Guthrie of course. But Earle has always been writing powerful songs so I guess you could label him that. Although with some of the things he says, I think he's a bit too parnoid at times. Nevertheless one of the best in the business.
Hopefully, Rev Jules will write a review.