Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
9/16/2004 10:56 AM |
That subject ryhming scheme is NOT intentional.
Though it is nice to see "rock & roll" coming to the forefront with several key bands and some other "bands" that should have been left undiscovered, I cant help but feel like the music is slowly dying.
Music has been dying anyway since it's conception but rock has gone from what used to be the devil's music to what has now become the safe option compared to pop and dance.
We no longer have unstable visionaries with varying pieces of musical genius but instead have safe and soft, constantly ballad paced songs filling our airwaves.
And if this kind of band isnt in the majority, it's in the minority of 4 chord quick songs with a "The _______" (fill in the blank) kind of band that jerks around and has some sort of fit.
It's not all bad though. The advent of "Keane" has been a step in the right direction and also the "The Strokes" are doing a decent job.
But I wonder if this is going to get better or are these 2 bands the Led Zeppellins and T-Rex's of our times. If they are, then we have hit the peek and can only hit rock bottom now in the hopes of re-building what was once adrenaline fueled about rock & roll.
Rock & roll needs the proverbial shot in the arm to get things moving again.
I just hope that the same energy, vibrancy, originallity and emotional unstability of bands like the Blue Oyster Cult, Led Zeppellin, Deep Purple and Thin Lizzy et al is not lost and will make a strong come back.
Any thoughts?
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
9/16/2004 11:13 AM |
go see velvet revolver live. not acceptable behaviour in decent proper company. great show. great tunes. 5 formerly(?) drug headed fantastic showmen who are not doin it for cash, they're loaded. well four of them are.
you bring a good point though, mr prime.
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
9/16/2004 11:18 AM |
quote: The advent of "Keane" has been a step in the right direction and also the "The Strokes" are doing a decent job.
So you don't like bland music but you like keane? I don't think that music is dying or even that less good music is out there, it's just that it's getting harder to find. For all the boring one dimensional b****x that's out there there's still the super furry animals, beastie boys, bjork etc. As long as these major acts are still out there influencing people the future is still bright.
It is inevitable that rock and roll will lose it's crown at some stage, it has before and it will again. It's the nature of the game and it's a good thing in my opinion. If rock is getting stale the best thing that could happen to it is for people to give it a rest and then come back to it after other forms of popular music are exhausted. The one thing that seriously counts against rock and roll at the moment is the seemingly endles list of bands who are extremely lazy when it comes to writing songs. This is immediately obvious and for me it's extremely off putting
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
9/16/2004 11:21 AM |
Wow....how can you say...."We no longer have unstable visionaries with varying pieces of musical genius but instead have safe and soft, constantly ballad paced songs filling our airwaves." and then say....
"The advent of "Keane" has been a step in the right direction".
Keane are no more rock'n'roll then my 'aul one is...(actually my mam is wayyyy more rock'n'roll then Keane are). In fact I haven't heard a 'rock' band (and I use the term loosely) as safe and middle of the road since Embrace(shhuuuudderrr).
If it's rock'n'roll you're after or something to put the "proverbial shot in the arm to get things moving again" then there are a tonne of bands to listen to the Von Bondies, 80s Matchbox B-Line Disaster, The Kills, The Detroit Cobras, BRMC etc. etc. being a few examples. There are also a load of really good Irish bands playing rock'n'roll now more then ever - each of whom have more talent, guts, attitude and presence in a fart then the likes of Keane could ever hope to breathe in in a lifetime.
Rant. Over.
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
9/16/2004 11:22 AM |
go see the cooper temple clause or primal scream live and you'll leave wit ringin in yer ears,and never mention keane in the same sentence as zeppelin again,you're statement lost all its credibility when you brought those old before their time young without youth posh snooty toffee nosed cretins into the fold!
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/16/2004 11:34 AM |
If you wan't rock and roll that is truly unhinged and not just pretending to be, and without the introspective angst either, check out "Guitar Wolf" from Japan, they are truly nuts. The Things look like a sensible bunch of lads in comparison. 
I'm not sure what you're looking for though Optimus. Keane are not exactly Rock and Roll are they? Thats not a criticism of them, but they can hardly be said to have the same kind spirit thats at the roots of rock and roll. They don't really share anything in common with the simple rhythmic attack of Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Bobby Fuller four ("I fought the law.."), The Ramones, Clash, etc.
If you like the Strokes, check out Metric, Asobi Seksu and a whole army of other bands doing similarly hooky indie-pop.
Bands like Led Zep, Blue Oyster Cult, Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy are not really what I personally think of as Rock and Roll. To me they represent the point when "Rock and Roll" became "ROCK!" if you know what I mean. Kind of the genesis of testosterone fuelled heavy metal, but that was fun too. Anyone who has picked up a guitar remembers Deep Purple fondly for THAT riff (except people who work in guitar shops, who have been slowly driven to insanity, and curse "Smells like teen spirit" in the same breath  )
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/16/2004 11:45 AM |
Rock, rock n' roll, what does it matter they're all dead. I mean when the Hives are one of the biggest names around you know we're in trouble. It depresses me, it really does.
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
9/16/2004 11:55 AM |
I dont think I made myself clear and for that, I apologise.
I dont like Keane as such. I just think that their music seems to be a little more up tempo than anything else I've heard, however I cant recollect much else right now because bloody Keane have just been on the radio.
Mutch-I do agree with you and am into Velvet Revolver. They are the best rock band in just short of a decade.
Unfortunately, apart from "Get Your Rocks Off"(and I hope I'm right with the band here), I've not been able to appreciate Primal Scream. Or the Cooper Temple Clause. I try to keep away from bands that frequent the covers of Kerrang magazine.
Just for the record, these are a few of the bands I'm into:
Velvet Revolver, Pearl Jam, Blue Oyster Cult, Led Zeppellin, Guns N' Roses, Pelvis, HIM, Therapy?, etc.
I hope I've cleared things up a bit.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/16/2004 12:13 PM |
You may like other Primal Scream stuff, the band varies wildly in their sound. I think the one place you shouldn't start is Screamadelica. I absolutely love it, but its more of dance record and probably not your thing, Andy Weatheralls sound is all over it.
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
9/16/2004 12:22 PM |
Thanks I might just check 'em out.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
9/16/2004 1:55 PM |
Rock n Roll in the true meaning of the term is 50's genre music is it not?? Rock n roll atitude of taking drugs, smashing things shagging anything that moves is not dead, it's just shifted....
Through the decades Rock N Roll, the term has been apllied to 50's (Buddy Holly, Elvis, Johnny Kid and The Pirates) 60's (Beatles, Shadows, Kinks, Who, Stones, Troggs, Creation) 70's (Led Zepplin, Deep Purple etc..Sex Pistols) 80's (Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses) 90's (Oasis, baggy, indie etc..) today (Strokes, Hives, QOTSA), you get my point, so it just changes shape, but it will continue to do so and thats what keeps it fresh. Binokular asked in his review of Ratatat is this the new rock n roll, and it may be, it doesn't have to have guitars and bass and drums and a singer to be rock n roll, at various stages I have though music from right across the genres were going to be the new rock n roll because it was exciting and fresh and made me wanna groove and all that - to me thats rock n roll
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
9/16/2004 2:14 PM |
the xterminator cd is my favorite primal scream one. went to see mondo generator in TBMC, Nick is pretty nuts, they all left him soon afterwards, he's a bit too mad i think. but that was also a good rock show, element of danger. AND HE WAS SMOKING ONSTAGE. IN IRELAND!!!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/16/2004 7:44 PM |
I have nothing to add here but I just had to reply to a thread started by someone called Optimus.
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
9/17/2004 8:13 AM |
By the Matrix