Let me put this strand into the context of Irish music with the following quotation taken from one of the ballads written by the irish composer Thomas Moore, "The harp that once through Tara's halls / The soul of music shed / Now hangs as mute on Tara's walls / As if that soul were fled".
At this moment, a four lane motorway is under construction through the Tara Skryne Valley. The road will pass only metres away from the Hill of Tara, with a clover leaf junction only a short distance from the north of the Hill. This motorway is a public/private partnership which means that private enterprise will profit from the destruction of an artistic treasure - a place which inspired music and a place where music was once played - that actually belongs to all the people of Ireland, regardless of their social standing. More than that, the destruction of the Hill of Tara should be of universal concern to all people, both in Ireland and abroad. Therefore, I am asking all the readers of Cluas.com to make their voices heard against this rampant desecration of Ireland's cultural heritage.
Please log onto the following hyperlink
and use the contact details contained therein to protest at one of the worst acts of philistine vandalism since the raising of Coole House to the ground. I would also ask you to keep in mind which public representatives were responsible for this gratuitous act of cultural vandalism. As an electorate, its important to hold these decision makers to account.