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Last Post 8/31/2004 1:17 PM by  klootfan
Republic of Loose Review
 4 Replies
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8/31/2004 1:17 PM
    Gar, Just finished reading your review of the Loose gig in the village, and its pretty good. However, i was just wondering why you didnt mention the crazy amount of talking that went on during the gig. Now im not an absolutist on this. There are times when you want to exchange words with a mate beside you during the gig. Big deal. Keep it low and keep it short. However, on sat night it was different. People were talking louder so that they could hear themselves over the band, and for me it took from the atmosphere a bit, because it annoyed me so much. As you mentioned, the place was packed, partially due to the good word going around about them, however i think it may have attracted a crowd who were less interested in seeing the band then they about seeing the next big thing, if you get my drift. b.t.w. i think i spotted you in the crowd. had you got one of them 3 in one pens, with the blue base and white top.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/31/2004 1:45 PM
    Klootfan, it's unfortunate that this still happens, I think this subject has been brought up a few times - there's always gonna be scheister's that f**k up an atmosphere in gigs. I'm quite suprised however that the talking was that loud, unfortunatley I wasn't at the gig, because they play pretty loud do they not?? And as you correctly state, I would say that a lot of people were there because of hype and no real interest of actually listening to the band, so they can say they were there, you know that type of thing??
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    8/31/2004 1:48 PM
    My review was a bit messed up. Yes I did forgot to include a passage about all those annoying talkers, smokers, kids who kept chanting 'Scruffy' to which Mick Pyro got the crowd to direct 'Shut The f**k Up' towards them, and the way I phrased the partition of the crowd confused our busy editor. So all in all, the review could've been much better. Maybe Eoghan might update it if I redo it. I didn't actually have a pen and paper with me at this gig. I was with a mate and up the front. Was too busy into the music to think of writing anything down. Cheers for kind words though.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/1/2004 4:51 PM
    Are they playing again soon? Heard something about meeting house square on the 5th??
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    9/1/2004 8:17 PM
    They are playing this coming Sunday in Temple Bar as part of the HWCH event.
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