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Last Post 8/20/2004 5:14 AM by  inthetub
New site to help sell more of your CDs FREE
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8/20/2004 5:14 AM
    Please check out www.bathtubmusic.com We would LOVE to have some Irish independent music on our site but nobody from your glorious green country (I am writing form the Arizona desert)has signed up their CD yet. It's absolutely FREE to set up. A great way to get some extra exposere in the US and internationally. Please spread the word! Check out the other music on the site too. My name is Jennifer Spector (solo folk artist, I am on the site too) and I busked the streets of Ireland back in 1996 for a few weeks. I know there is some great independent music comming out of Ireland. Please tell everyone that you know that has a cd for sale to GET INTO THE BATHTUB.
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