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Last Post 8/12/2004 11:26 PM by  Gar
New Reviews
 4 Replies
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Veteran Member
Veteran Member

8/12/2004 11:26 PM
    What do people think of the new reviews? I think the Bray Vista Ep one by Rev Jules kicks ass. Eoghan, what happened to my synopsis and verdict for the reviews? Did you not get them? I redid the reviews to include them.
    Brain of G
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/13/2004 5:02 PM
    Originally posted by Gar
    I think the Bray Vista Ep one by Rev Jules kicks ass.
    Lick arse!
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    8/13/2004 7:42 PM
    If you wrote a review as interesting as that I would post the same compilment. No need to be bitter because I'm honest.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    8/13/2004 8:45 PM
    While we are on the subject of 'ass kissing'. Who do people always make sure they read stuff by? I buy Hotpress every two weeks and am starting to get into Q. I've always bought Empire and The Ticket from Irish Times. Fav journalists would be Michael Dwyer, Tom Humphries, Colin Kennedy but strangely don't have any fav music journo's. I really dislike Olaf from Hotpress, maybe it's because I read his autobiography and hated him after it, but his writing and some other journalists who write for big music magazines are just crap.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/14/2004 2:33 PM
    I have a severe dislike for Olaf too I must say. Hownever I would recommend Liam Fay Hotpressian extroadinare and crazy and funny man. Non-music related. Don't know if he's still with Hotpress but he won an award for a series of articles he wrote and they were published in book Beyond Belief. Good stuff. As for music magazines Foggy Notions is the best but it comes out so rarely (at least round here it does)
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