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Last Post 5/5/2004 8:51 AM by  Binokular
Irish Albums that should be reissued
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Veteran Member
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5/5/2004 8:51 AM
    This whole greatest Irish Album of all time thing has got me thinking. Isn't it sad the way that a lot of great Irish albums are no longer available? I mean loads of money gets pumped into preserving Irelands heritage, so you can see 500 year old artifacts yet ironically you can't lay your hands on a copy of an album that was released 15 years ago. What unavailable/out of print Irish albums would you like to see reissued on CD? Personally I would like to see "Horsedrawn Wishes" by Rollerskate Skinny (I had to buy a secondhand copy from a US website of all places) and both of the Plague Monkeys albums ("Surface Tension" and "The Sunburn Index"). I already have a copy of "The Sunburn Index" and really like it, so tracking down a new copy of "Surface Tension" would be great.
    Basic Member
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    5/5/2004 10:21 AM
    I've horsedrawn wishes on tape, now theres a BAD format, the only good thing about it is you have no choice but to listen to a whole recording instead of skippin tracks. I would like to get my hands on Kerbdogs first album, that would be my personal choice for a re-issue. Again, I have a blank tape copy of it (dont tell Cormac Battle) but thats dire quality and is so thin from overplaying its about to disappear. Also I'm sure some remastering of this solitary piece of classic Irish metal would rejuevenate it somewhat.
    John Doe
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    5/5/2004 11:00 AM
    Paul Cleary and the Partisans 6 track mini - album. I'd like to get CDs of the two In Tua Nua albums as well. I do have them on vinyl though so may get around to transferring them to CD at some stage. Wouldn't mind hearing Light A Big Fire's mini album. Tom Dunne's been playing "You Can Love a Woman" recently and all.
    al ert
    New Member
    New Member

    5/5/2004 11:42 AM
    Originally posted by Binokular
    ...and both of the Plague Monkeys albums ("Surface Tension" and "The Sunburn Index"). I already have a copy of "The Sunburn Index" and really like it, so tracking down a new copy of "Surface Tension" would be great.
    if you a pm fan then you might want to know this - short notice though from the tycho brahe mail-out today- perfect timing... BBC2 are showing the Conor McPherson feature film 'Saltwater' (2000) the night before we are playing the temple bar music centre. Saltwater - 12.20 BBC2 tonight - Soundtrack and film score by The Plague Monkeys (Carol and Donal's old band). Set you VCR - no ads! Thurs 6th May - Seated gig in Temple bar music centre - The Tycho Brahe plus support from Carol and Donal playing some songs from The Plague Monkeys and also Chequerboard. Tickets from road record and usual outlets - 15 euro. feel free to kick yourself in the appropriate bits if you miss this gig.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    5/5/2004 11:56 AM
    Yeah I got that mail-out too, thanks anyway. Actually it would be nice if they made some of their soundtrack stuff available too, perhaps as bonus material on a reissue. Stuff from the early EPs and Low Babies stuff would be nice too. Maybe both albums and all the soundtrack stuff/EPs could fit on three disc set? It makes sense considering the current interest in the Tycho Brahe, if it was reasonably priced, they could probably shift enough copies to make it worthwhile, though possibly difficult due to the records being released on different labels and stuff.
    Brain of G
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    Basic Member

    5/6/2004 7:39 PM
    Turn - "Antisocial"
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