Hows it going....
I think this subject ws brough up before but anyway...last night I was at the Kila gig - bloody fabulous - I don't think Phil Spector could of got that sound.
Anyway to the point, I was in the upper circle, you know the one that if someone stands up that your view is blocked, there was this girl there who looked locked but she kept standing up and playing with her hair and stuff and just annoying everyone, and when the bouncers asked her to sit down she didn't, and when people asked her to sit down, she wouldn't. I've no problem with people dancin, but man, she should've went to the back to dance or got a ground floor ticket, and the twat of a bouncer couldn't even tell her to move to the back, and I certianly didn't pay money to see some tart playing with her hair for 2 hours....Sap!!!