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2/24/2012 12:08 AM |
Cheap Freaks debut LP 'Bury Them All' is out now on Big Neck Records. Its available on CD, Vinyl and Itunes download!
New LP 'Bury Them All'! Buy It!
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Some Reviews!
Hot Press Cheap Freaks 'Bury Them All' ***** 4/5 Dublin Based Freaks Deliver A Super Debut Created by the suitably slick minds of former Things bassist Robbie Brady and DC Pact main man Al Dodd, Cheap Freaks came to life two years ago. Bury The All is their debut album - an what a furious and filthy slab of reverb-infused garage-punk it is too. Utterly dripping in attitude, the record is as infectious as a zombie bite, and they effortlessly thread the line between Misfits-esque sucker punches ('1984') to organ-infused 70s rock jams ('I'm Coming Home') throughout all 14 tracks. Fans of The Dead Boys, Murder City Devils and more will no doubt adore this absolute riot of a record! Edwin McFee
Roctober Magazine(Big Neck) Too often the reality (and appeal) of trashy, garage rock-adjacent bands is that it’s hard to tell them apart, or to say what makes them special – most of them just capture the vibe right and channel chaos. That is not the case with these Freaks. While this album is certainly trashy, fuzzy, nasty, and rough, it’s never able to hide theincredible writing, playing, and creative talents of its participants behind frayed edges. Guitar lines that channel blues, country, classic rock, punk and Pacific Northwest frat, hooks that could catch a great white shark, and genuine menace abound. These Cheaps ain’t no trick!
Tiny Grooves CHEAP FREAKS are quite the punked out, psych-tinged garage rock band from Dublin, Ireland. Mix up Gun Club, the Oblivians, the Move, Jim Jones Revue, the Cynics, Brimstone Howl, the Lyres and the Sights in a small practice space and what you might get is THE CHEAP FREAKS.....fuzzy driving garage rock....and this ain't no lame imitation of some 60s rock band or boring Nuggets-era posturing. The Cheap Freaks are here to keep rock n roll alive for the kids who still love it, well cause obviously they love the music too....and they have the talent to get as noticed/hyped as Brian Jonestown Massacre or the Black Keys have... their new lp BURY THEM ALL, just came out via BIG NECK RECORDS here in the states....and i very strongly suggest you check 'em out......
8/10 Cheap Freaks har kort fartstid. Det er bare litt over to år siden bassist Robbie Brady (The Things) og gitarist Al Dodd (DC Pakt) begynte å snakke om å starte band sammen, begge med en felles interesse for å lage låter primært inspirert av Compulsive Gamblers og Oblivians. Etter et par spennende EP-utgivelser lanseres i dag debutskiva, Bury Them All, på Big Neck Records. Den raser avgårde med fart, leven og styrke. Bandet er helt klart inspirert av Jack Oblivian og hans tidligere band, men Cheap Freaks er også mye mer. Irene byr på støyende punkrock, fengende powerpop og industriell rock´n roll. Kvartetten hamrer løs på sine instrumenter og de fleste låtene eksploderer i barske gitarriff, drivende bassoverganger, kjappe beats og treffsikkert orgelspill. Innimellom er det så intenst og herlig at selv hårene på en skallet lytter reiser seg. Dodd og Brady veksler på vokalen, som både er melodiøs og aggressiv på samme tid. Det er som om de instendig ber om å bli hørt. Lydbildet kan fremstå som en smule grumsete i starten, men blir tydeligere ved flere gjennomlyttinger. Da kommer også de kreative detaljene bedre frem. Energinivået er høyt hele veien og derfor gjør det heller ikke noe at flere av låtene er forholdsvis korte. Det er raskt og svinger som faen av 1984, Nowhere To Go, Can´t Fool Me og Caesar The Deceiver. Litt mer lengde, men likefullt damp og dreis over låter som I´m Coming Home, Cryin´ Shame og Asahara´s Nightmare. I låter som mektige Cruel World og avslutningen Free Of You viser Cheap Freaks at de også behersker å være litt mer nedpå uten å miste angrepslysten. Det er få pusterom på Bury Them All. Du blir litt susen av de 14 sporene som spyttes ut, tar nakkegrep og slenger deg rundt. Utmattelsen er imidlertid en god følelse, som en skikkelig treningsøkt, nesten så man kjenner blodsmaken i munnen. Ved siden av trykket i Cheap Freaks´ fremførelser, er det likevel kvaliteten i låtene som må trekkes frem. Brady og Dodd har virkelig funnet kjemien og en interessant formel for låtskriving. For uten om en solid debutplate, har samarbeidet så langt også resultert i oppvarmingsjobber for blant annet Buzzcocks, The Black Angels og Beady Eye. Det lover godt for videre samspill.
Cheap Freaks 'Bury Them All' Big Neck Records Cheap Freaks have been gigging for a couple of years now, slowly and surely becoming bigger and essentially better at making a supreme racket. Made of various members of various now defunct Dublin bands. Bury Them All does what a record should do, excite. Its 14 tracks are all in their own inimitable way a bit buzzier than the next. What even creates more zip and flow to the whole record is the 1-2-3-4 intro-then-boom, crunching guitars, a wooing organ backed by a drummer doing his best at testing the limits of his kit. The fuzz created is hard to pigeonhole but essentially its garage punk with heart and shouting. This is no standard piece of garage rock though as within the noise there is variance. There are two-minute balls out punk numbers (1984, Ceaser The Deciever) and there are neo-psych jams (Bolsheviks) to tunes that sound and feel more like The Cramps than The Cramps did on their later gear(Naked in the Rain/ Free Of You). Cheap Freaks first EP release was a straight up in-yer-face garage snarl, two years later; Bury Them All seems more like a matured growl. With Brady and Dodd sharing vocals and bettering each other with their macho musings is a particular highlight. Bury Them All, is powerful beast, it encases a fantastic garage punk fuzz. Will they break out of the Dublin clique and conquer the planet? Only time will tell. But “It’s a cruel World.”
Trash City Review
Talk about a long time coming, this album should have been out ages ago! However, Cheap Freaks’ debut album ‘Bury Them All’ was well worth the wait. Formed from the ashes of much missed garage punk hellraisers The Things, Cheap Freaks have been kicking the shit out of every band in Dublin for a few years now. Up to this point they’ve released a few top notch EPs and singles, so it’s about time they put out a full length. If you’ve ever had the good fortune to catch Cheap Freaks live most of these songs will be familiar to you, but hearing them on wax you get the same impact as you would live. The fourteen tracks stick pretty close to the parameters of garage punk but each one goes off in it’s own direction, it never gets stale. It runs the gamut from rollicking country fried punk, two chord funeral dirge, noise-ridden acid freakout and straight up punk rock back to straight up garage. The whole record sounds incredible, it’s raunchy as hell without falling into the usual garage band trap of trying too hard to sound dirty. That is not to say it isn’t dirty. It’s filthy, but not in a boring way. Standout track for me would be one of those noise-ridden freak outs I was talking about earlier, Old Cole’s Soul. It skitters along until it sounds like the arse is about to fall out of it, then BAM! Just listen to it. All in all this is the best rock’n’roll album to come out of Dublin in a long time, I don’t care who you ask. There are plenty of bands in Dublin pretending to be rock’n’roll but Cheap Freaks piss on them all from a great
Nominated for Choice Music Awards List!
OX-Fanzine Cheap Freaks 'Play Four Songs' *********** 8/10 Wichtig ist zwar aufm Platz, aber was live knallt, geht auf Platte genauso gut. Auf der Bühne sind diese fünf Briten ein echtes Erlebnis und das Niveau können sie auch bei den vier Songs dieser Demo-CD erhalten. Wer auf wilden, rauhen Sixties-Garagenpunk im Stil der SONICS oder NOMADS steht, sollte sich die Freaks schnell auf seine „Unbedingt anhören“-Liste kritzeln, denn hier passt alles. Der Sound klingt wie live eingespielt, die obligatorische Orgel setzt die nötigen Akzente, ohne zu nerven, und auch Sänger Bob heult voller Inbrunst, was die Stimmbänder hergeben. Für eine ganze LP würde ich doch glatt meine letzten Arbeitslosenkohlen hergeben.
OX-Fanzine Cheap Freaks 'Teenage Brains' *********** 9/10 Bei der neuen EP der Iren stimmt einfach alles. Sag ich ja nicht oft so was, aber hier passt’s. Geiles Comic-Cover mit Hirn und vier markante Songs, wie man sie von einer wilden Trash-Garage-Band erwartet. Da wird gern mal das Fuzzpedal getreten und auch eine Orgel, wie sie für solch wildes Sechziger-Rock’n’Roll-Zeug sein muss, ist an den richtigen Stellen dabei. Songmäßig ist „Teenage Brains“ kein Stück schlechter als der Vorgänger, und nach zwei CD-EPs mit je vier Songs will man als ungeduldiger CHEAP-FREAKS-Addict natürlich wissen, wo die große Platte mit den langen Rillen bleibt. Die kommt im Mai und ich glaube, da kommt ganz Großes auf uns zu. Maximum Rock'n'Roll June 2011 New band spotlight - Cheap Freaks I bet the Guinness flows like fucking water when CHEAP FREAKS deliver their superb fuzzed-out garage jams to unsuspecting bar patrons around Dublin. Second release from this Irish quartet and it’s definitely a winner. Four trashy rock ‘n’ roll stompers sure to make denim-clad punks bounce off the walls and spill stout everywhere. Top-notch production, a bit dirty without sacrificing intensity or stepping on the singer’s vocals. Sounds like they dig the MONKS just as much as the REATARDS. An LP is set to be released, and if it’s anywhere near as good as this, CHEAP FREAKS will be huge in a couple months. Kevin Manion
Roctober Review 'PLay Four Songs EP': Friday, September 10, 2010 Cheap Freaks "Play Four Songs" (Big Neck) Ridiculously potent 60s-ish/70s-ish garage punk from Dublin that's doublin' my pleasure by being twice as good as anything else I've heard this week. Genuinely good garage rock is hard to describe in words other than to say, this record gets it totally right. Freakin' awesome!
Ripple Effect Review: Cheap Freaks – Play Four Songs Speaking of garage fuzz, the Cheap Freaks come along right on cue. Coming from Dublin, the Cheap Freaks add a touch of quasi-psychedelia, a la the 13th Floor Elevators to their sonic attack. “Caesar the deceiver” tosses some odd guitar touches into the guttural pulp mix and a hefty dose of “Hurly Burly” chops. 1984 rocks with a caveman-pounding-his-mate intensity. “Nowhere to Go,” revs up the speed-inhalation with a nasty dose of poppers, whiskey and cheap wine. Guitars go in furious circles while the vocals chop through the fuzz. “Something Wrong,” sounds like an outtake from some 1960’s beach movie on really bad speed and acid. It’s all enough to give Annette Funicello hives. Total lo-fi, garage slop noise. It’s punky. It’s fuzzed. Of course it’s from Big Neck Records. A definite hit for the like minded. Call me one.
Sleazegrinder Review Centred round half of Dublin four-piece The Things, who seem to have gone the way of asbestos garages since reviewed in these hallowed dark spaces, these leak out from a similar vein but infuse a more soulful destitution than their previus outfits farfisa-fi-fi-finery. After yours stuly started it off at the wrong speed & almost succumbing to the Vanilla Fudge fumage it hits with a psychogarage stomp of slack-jawed but inspiredly wired intensity with Caesar The Deceiver discarding some superbly sparkly & dypsodelic dysfunctional guitar grunk, 1984 is a trash-can blue moon rattler while Nowhere To Go careens cross city boundaries with kerbstones as plectrums chauffering Chuck Berry to hustle The Heartbreakers territory for some payback. Closer Something Wrong laces lacerated Southside, almost Sylvain-ian soul & Mink Deville swagger into the spirited mix for a walk on the window ledge of the psychward - a tumultuous conclusion full of gloriously gruesome guitar gristle & vocal caterwauling. Grab your warder by the cuffs. Stu Gibson
Razorcake CHEAP FREAKS: Play Four Songs: 7” Wham—really plucky fast start makes me think of a ‘60s psych vibe with real motivation. “Nowhere to Go” starts the flipside ripping. No reason to sit on your ass when you can get the song blasting right away. Bada bada bada bop! Bada bada bada bop! Whaaaoo! Shit yeah, let’s do this. Lo-fi garage that pays the bill. –Speedway Randy (Big Neck,
Cheap Freaks 'Teenage Brains' review If Liam Gallagher’s band Beady Eye ask you to open for them you must be doing something right. Cheap Freaks are a garage punk band based in Dublin and in their short existence have opened for Buzzcocks and Black Angels.
Like all good garage punk, it’s dirty, brash and best played loud. The EP opens with ‘Can’t Fool Me’, upbeat, distorted guitar and vocals dropped against a background of perfect drums and subtle bass. There’s a fantastic rawness to the EP with late 60′s throw backs.
The urgency in the music is breathtaking and continues with ‘It’s a Crying Shame’. ‘Sleep With You’ is a catchy, dare I say, melodic track, with a killer guitar line and keys I wasn’t expecting. The EP ends with ‘I’m Coming Home’, a driving rock song with a hat tip to Them.
Cheap Freaks are like a bringing a bad boy home to meet your Mum. Loud, brash, in your face, she won’t like them, you’ll fall head over heels.
Hot Press Garage rockers Cheap Freaks have released a brand new EP Teenage Brains on Psycho Sound Records. It’s a potent cocktail of fuzzed-out garage punk and heavy psych-rock richly deserving of a place on your iPod. Fronted by former Things bassist Robbie Brady and ex-DC Pakt guitarist Al Dodd the band received glowing reviews for 2010’s debut ‘Play Four Songs’. Expect a full album in May…..
Teenage Brains Review Den dublinske kvartetten Cheap Freaks har holdt på i knappe 12 måneder. På den tiden har de virkelig markert seg med sin energiske garasjerock – på plate og fra scene. Bandet frontes av tidligere The Things-bassist, Robbie Brady, og tidligere DC Pakt-gitarist, Al Dodd. Sammen er de tonnevis av fyrverkeri som er festet sammen med gaffa!
Fjorårets EP, Play Four Songs, ble kritikerrost og førte til at bandet ble et samtaleemne blant musikkskribenter, plateselskapsfolk og konsertarrangører. At det ble innspilt på en åttespors opptaker hadde ingen betydning. Låtene var gode nok uansett hvor grumsete lydbildet måtte fremstå for pirkete musikklyttere. Stram rytmeseksjon, fete gitarriff og fengende vokaler er alt man trenger for å slippe rock og roll inn i kretsløpet. Cheap Freaks får blodet til å pumpe.
Pumpe gjør det også på bandets andre EP, Teenage Brains. Denne gangen har Brady og Dodd bestilt studiotid og spilt inn to av låtene med produsent og greier. Samtidig har de også bevart den hjemmelagde måten å spille inn musikk på. To låter er også her snekret i hop på åttesporsopptakeren. Og det smeller fra første sekund - med fuss både i gitarer og vokaler, og med hardtslående trommespill og stødige bassganger - i I Can´t Fool Me. Det fortsetter gjennom Cryin´Shame og Sleep With You, og avsluttes vel ti minutter senere med I´m Coming Home. Er det ikke mer, blir du sittende å si til deg selv.
EP-ene er bare smakebiter på hva som er i vente når Cheap Freaks i mai gir ut sitt første album. Det kommer helt sikkert til å sende bandet høyere opp på popularitetsskalaen, kanskje til og med ut av garasjen. Et større samtaleemne blir de garantert.
Så langt har de rukket å gjøre supportjobber for blant annet Buzzcocks, Black Angels og avdøde Jay Reatard. Nå har også minstemann Gallagher invitert dem med som oppvarmere når hans nye band, Beady Eye, skal spille i Dublin og Belfast i midten av april. Så gode som Cheap Freaks er, spørs det om Liam Gallagher tør å entre scenen etterpå. Men: Når alt kommer til alt, så er det jo bare rock og roll det er snakk om. Ikke mer komplisert enn det. 8/10
I94bar Review TEENAGE BRAINS - Cheap Freaks (Psycho Sound Records) The Cheap Freaks hail from Dublin, Ireland, and all you really need to know is that they play garage rock and love The Monks. Oh, and they're very good.
The story doesn't end there but that's a good part of the picture. This is scuzzy, organ-stained, fuzz-tainted stuff, pushed through a '60s punk strainer and squeezed out of two tinny speakers, turned up real loud. Distortion contortions. The shit that millions of people used to crave back in the throes of the '80s acid punk revival (before rock and roll became a minority party.) The rest of the due diligence is that bassist-vocalist Bob Brady used to play with the highly-rated Things and this four-track EP is hopefully a taste of a full-blooded album.
Last song first and Cheap Freaks have written an anthem in "I'm Coming Home", a song with a catchier-than-a-cold chorus, a big ole rumblin' bottom end and a fistful of Farfisa. It rocks in the best Lyres style. Not far behind is "Can't Fool Me", with its swirly keys and clattering undertow. Title track "Teenage Brains" is a doppleganger for Sydney's own Lipstick Killers in their '60s phase. "Sleep With You" heads out to the backwoods to pick up a vaguely country twang but there's no mistaking that punk lineage. Run, don't walk, to click and grab yourself some goodness - The Barman ****
Roctober Review 'Teenage Brains EP' Wrapped in perhaps Ben Lyon's best cover art ever this smattering of trash fuzz garage shlock via Dublin is so fucking nasty I had to dryclean my computer after I played this. But that was after I played it for 24 hours straight (pretty good for a 10 minute EP) and broke all my furniture thrashing around.