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Last Post 11/16/2009 2:07 AM by  clancysongs
Clancy single launch at Moxie Studios, Lad Lane, Dublin 2
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11/16/2009 2:07 AM
    Clancy is having a launch gig for the first single from the new album on Saturday 21st November. Doors open at 8.30pm and its €10 in which gets you a copy of the single. The gig is taking place in Moxie Studios which is a gallery off Baggot St (see below for directions). As it’s in a gallery, you can bring your own beer, wine or whatever pleases you. Hope to see you there!

    Keep an ear out for the single on radio. Its called ‘Hope in your Heart’.

    Directions to Moxie Studios from St Stephen's Green
    Head east on St Stephen's Green toward Baggot St.
    Straight on to Baggot St. Turn right at Lad Lane (across the street from Bank of Ireland on Baggot St there is a small arch leading to Lad Lane)
    Walk up to the intersection of Lad Lane and Pembroke Row

    Moxie Studios Old OPW Building Lad Lane Pembroke Row Dublin 2 …. If you get lost, you can call my number (087-8071643). I’ll have someone answering it to guide the lost ships home to port …..
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