Posted By whiterob81 on 13 Feb 2009 04:22 AM
One thing I have noticed is that when it was announced first, people were very upset and flocking in in droves. But when I went in the Staurday before it closed, I was the only customer. I was talking to one of the guys working there, he said after the initial surge of sympathetic custom, it seemed to dwindle. Lots of Irish musicians want it to stay open so that they'll have an outlet for their music but don't seem to want to actually shop there. And I have to admit, before it shut i hadn't bought anything in there in a while.
Personally, I don't want it to shut down, I think it's a great shop, but I would question the wisdom of ploughing money into a service that's just not being used.
They have been talking about starting up a web site dedicated to Irish music so hopefully this won't be the last we hear from them
Just highlight the box so you can see whiterob81's invisible post (above) :)