As some of you will know, we (IrishUnsigned.com) have an online stream featuring the music of dozens of Irish bands and acts. It totals, currently, about eleven hours of music.
We have been asked to let another organisation in the US use the stream to supplement their own streams. However, we want to do bulk testing first.
On Saturday of this week, 12th July, we'd be grateful if you could all go to the site (http://www.irishunsigned.com), click the link for the radio stream, and then play the 'online' button. Any tme of the day or night will do.
Please let it load up and start playing songs. If you don't mind, please let it play as long as you are staying online.
Any problems with songs stop-starting, songs not being found, problems with quality etc, please let us know by emailing ron@irishunsigned.com
You never know, you might even prefer this stuff to commercial radio... :0)
And, no, this isn't a scam to get extra hits to the site!
List of the artists on the stream is at http://www.irishunsigned.com/radioplaylist.php
Instructions for having material added to the stream are at http://www.irishunsigned.com/iuradioinstructions.htm
Ron, IrishUnsigned.