Posted By aidan on 01 Jul 2007 1:09 PM
At the risk of repeating something I wrote in
an article about Jim Morrison in Paris , The Doors are a phase that you go through when you're 15 or 16. After that, listening to The Doors is like Alan Partridge watching James Bond films: a little bit sad and something you should really have grown out of.
Interesting how your whole article doesn't mention once the music of The Doors. Like I was saying in the first post, if you're going to get hung up on worshipping at the alter of Jim (or just rolling your eyes at the worshippers) then it's no wonder it was just a phase you went through, there's not much to grasp onto.
I didn't like the Doors when I was at that age, it was more of a recent thing for me. Focusing on the music - particularly the contributions of the other three - I think they're a great band. Krieger is a very underrated guitarist in the 60's pantheon. Even when he's tackling standard blues songs his playing is still slightly askew with the Claptons and Pages, so called "bluesmen". His guitar intro to The End is spine tingle-ingly good. Manzareks mix of rock & roll, vaudeville, film score and God knows what else adds a rich layer of musicality to the mix. He's vital really. And Densmore ties it all together nicely.
I guess Morrison is key really. If you can't get past the fact that he was an egotistical arsehole that some teenagers are in awe of, then there's not much point in defending the music.