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Last Post 2/21/2007 10:00 AM by  Humanhandz
Nick Oliveri? Justin Chancellor?
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2/21/2007 10:00 AM

    Hi there
    We're looking for a rock-solid bass player (23-30) who really knows their stuff, has the right gear and has a lot of experience under his/her belt. Our music is original indie-tinged melodic rock (with some kick-ass heavy riffs thrown in), taking our cues from bands such as Queens of the Stone Age, Muse, Bloc Party, Deftones and Mars Volta with some dance influences as well.
    (If you don't really listen to this kind of stuff, or have the experience we're talking about, then please PLEASE DON'T apply).
    Ideally, you've played a hell of a lot before, have a very sharp ear, and are now looking to play in a band with a tight, powerful sound.
    At the moment, the set-up (drums, guitar and vocalist - rehearsal in city centre) is part-time, so maybe you are already in a band but are looking do something really interesting outside of that. If so, get in touch. MP3 available upon request.

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